Make voting easier, not harder
Democracy works best when it’s easy for all eligible voters to cast their ballot. Unfortunately, the Texas Legislature closed its regular session this year without passing measures that would make voting in Texas easier. Texas ranks 46th in “ease of voting,” according to a study in the “Election Law Journal.” The study states, “voting still is not easy in Texas [as compared to 2020]. The state, previously ranked 45th, did not have a lot of room to fall.” It cites a lack of online registration, a strict voter ID law, and a lack of no-excuse absentee voting as major hurdles to voting. According to the Texas Tribune, “In the process of addressing a problem they [the Texas Legislature] cannot prove exists [widespread voter fraud], they’ve created friction where it’s not needed, inventing new hassles instead of knocking down existing obstacles.”
07/02/2023 12:00 AM