Monday, March 24, 2025 at 10:00 PM

About Us

Who are we?
Since 1906 The Boerne Star has been the source for local news in Boerne and Kendall County. Combined with the Hill Country Recorder in 2004, The Boerne Star is published every Wednesday and Sunday and covers Boerne, Comfort, Fair Oaks Ranch and all of Kendall County.

The Boerne Star is published every Wednesday and Sunday.

In county and Fair Oaks Ranch - $75/1year
Out of county-$85
Out of state $90
[email protected]

Got the Scoop
Send your news tips, story ideas or press releases to: [email protected]
Call us at 830-249-2441 and ask for the newsroom.

Call us at 830-249-2441. We are here to help you.

Contact Us
The Boerne Star
215 Water Street
Boerne, Texas 78006


Team Lead
Kolleen Roe

Jeff B. Flinn, Managing Editor
Kerry Barboza, Sports Editor

Kolleen Roe, Advertising Manager

Office Manager
Donna Gonzalez

Sonya Pitts

Kim Blohm
Olivier Bourgoin
Laura Bray
Rose Burkhardt
Caren Creech
Susan Dollar
Jack Estes
Kevin Henning
Paula Horner
Art Humphries
Cassidy Kennell
Constance Keremes
Scott Kramer
Ryan Marquard
Leah Mayo
Natalie Morgan
Lasca Arnold Pendley
Steve Perez
Travis Poling
Rich Sena
Robin Stauber
Shane Stolarczyk
David Touchon
Michael Wheeler


Our Policy
The Boerne Star welcomes letters on any public issue.

To be considered for publication, must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. We DO NOT publish anonymous letters. Addresses and telephone numbers are for verification purposes only and will not be published. Name of writer and city of residence will be published. Letters should be short and concise, long enough only to make your point.

Priority will be given to letters 300 words or less that concern local topics and written by people who’ve not published a letter in the last 30 days.

We reserve the right to edit all letters for style and content and to refuse letters that would be objectionable to readers. We also reserve the right not to publish mass-produced letters created for special interest or political campaigns.

The Boerne Star does not accept letters to the editor urging voters to vote for or against candidates in local elections. Endorsements should be displayed in political advertising. In light of this policy, we reserve the right to reject or edit letters for references to candidates and whether or not they should be elected. Call 249-2441 with questions regarding the submission of letters to the editor for publication or e-mail [email protected].


Commenting Feature Policy
Welcome to, a website owned and operated by Granite Media Partners, Inc., publisher of The Boerne Star. The content of this site, including all text, photos, videos and advertising material are covered by the publisher’s copyright.

Users may register and post comments related to published stories, letters and other material on this site. This service is intended for personal use – commercial use is not permitted and any advertising posted as a comment will be removed. While those who post comments may use screen names and choose not to reveal their identity, registration information should be truthful. We reserve the right to remove users who register under false identities. Users are responsible for their passwords and for all content posted through their account using that password. While it is not our policy to reveal the identities of users, we cannot guarantee privacy on these free accounts. Someone’s identity could be determined in other ways than from us.

While Granite Media Partners, Inc. does not monitor, review, edit, remove or control any content or other information submitted through the commenting feature, we reserve sole discretion to modify, remove or refuse to accept any content for any reason. We may also decline requests to modify or remove content.

We ask users not to post comments that are defamatory, threatening, harassing, obscene or pornographic, harmful to minors, or that promote physical or emotional harm. Users police the comments themselves and are encouraged to use the “report abuse” feature to alert the website of offensive material.

Rack Locations
Bear Moon Bakery
Mague’s Restaurant
Lung Fung
Boerne Star Office
