Friday, November 22, 2024 at 5:30 AM

Pick your favorite

Beginning next week and lasting through July, Boerne Star readers will have the opportunity to help choose the newspaper’s next masthead, or flag, that runs across the top of the front page.

Beginning next week and lasting through July, Boerne Star readers will have the opportunity to help choose the newspaper’s next masthead, or flag, that runs across the top of the front page.

Readers will see a different masthead across the top of the front in both editions every week for four weeks and can vote for their favorite.

Strong consideration will be given to the top vote-getters in a front page redesign.

New mastheads will appear on July 5, July 12, July 19 and July 26 and appear in that Tuesday’s edition as well as the following Friday. During July and the first part of August, people can select their favorite by commenting on The Star’s Facebook page, where the different mastheads also will be displayed.

Please only vote once, and enjoy!




Boerne Star
