The South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Group (SCTRWPG), Region L, has appointed Kendall County Precinct 2 Commissioner Andra M. Wisian to serve on the planning group.
Kendall County Judge Shane Stolarczyk nominated Wisian, and the Planning Group appointed her officially at its Aug. 3 meeting. She will represent the interest group, “counties.”
The purpose of the SCTRWPG Region L is to provide comprehensive regional water planning and to carry out the related responsibili-ties placed on regional water planning groups by state law.
Foremost among those responsibilities is the development of a regional water plan for the specific area. The plan identifies both short and long-term water supply needs and recommends water management strategies for addressing them. The plan is updated every five years.
“Region L is one of 16 regional water planning groups tasked by the Texas Water Development Board to periodically revise a comprehensive water plan for Texas through 2070,” Wisian said. “These groups represent a vast array of stakeholders and use a ‘bottom- up’ approach, which I find effective.
“Our region’s growing population is the dominant driver for water needs and that is the immense challenge, in my opinion. I look forward to serving,” she added.
The SCTRWPG Region L consists of Atascosa, Bexar, Caldwell, Calhoun, Comal, DeWitt, Dimmit, Frio, Goliad, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, La Salle, Medina, Refugio, Uvalde, Victoria, Wilson, Zavala, and part of Hays counties.