Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 11:28 PM


The global warming hoax


A recent letter writer informed us that “glaciers are currently melting at an accelerated rate.” Glaciers advance during a glacial stage and recede during an interglacial stage.

We are in a warm interglacial stage. Humans have thrived in this interglacial period.

The human population was around 5 million 10,000 years ago, now it’s 8 billion. They did not thrive in the last glacial stage.

Sea level has risen approximately 400 feet in the last 18,000 years. Earth’s glacial stages are controlled by orbital eccentricity, axial tilt and precession of the tilt. This has been well accepted in the geoscience community for over 100 years. Sea level has risen a few inches since the Industrial Revolution.

Anthropogenic global warming advocates like to tell us about the consensus of scientists. The “amazing 97% consensus of scientists” is a hoax. This was exposed in “The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%’”, by Bast & Spencer, Wall Street Journal May 26, 2014, based on the 2009 Zimmerman-Doran survey.

The survey was sent to 10,000 scientists and had two questions: 1. Is Earth getting warmer? and 2. Are humans responsible? They got 3,146 responses and only considered 79. Of those, 77 answered yes to both questions. Amazing what you can do with statistics.

The AGW crowd likes to make doomsday predictions about the future of the Earth but doesn’t like to talk about Earth’s history. The history of the Earth is recorded in the science of geology. Earth has been warmer in the past and sea level has been higher.

The recent letter writer urged us not to “ignore science and stick your head in the sand.” I’m a retired geophysicist, with a degree in geophysics. The AGW advocates ignore the science of geology and stick their heads in the sand.

Richard C. Burnett

Fair Oaks Ranch resident




Boerne Star