Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:34 PM

Floating fish rare but natural phenomenon

Floating fish rare but natural phenomenon
A city employee uses a net to pull dead fish out of Cibolo Creek on Thursday morning. Star photo by Zachary-Taylor Wright

Hundreds of fish seen floating in Cibolo Creek at River Road Park Thursday may have left many residents surprised, but local officials said it’s a natural phenomenon caused by recent rains.

Boerne Communications Director Chris Shadrock said city staff quickly addressed the issue and reached out to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, which confirmed there was likely a dissolved oxygen crash caused by cool water being funneled into the creek from the recent rains after several weeks of hot and dry weather.

“The rain we received this week funneled cooler water into Cibolo Creek,” Shadrock said. “This caused what is known as a dissolved oxygen crash, which has impacted the fish population and is limited to the area in River Road Park by the dam. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department confirmed this is likely what occurred.”

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