Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 7:43 AM

Help for veterans

My name is Denise Chambers. I work for Meals for Vets in Fredericksburg. We are a nonprofit that provides meals to Texas Veterans, 59 years of age and younger, their families and surviving spouses.

My name is Denise Chambers. I work for Meals for Vets in Fredericksburg. We are a nonprofit that provides meals to Texas Veterans, 59 years of age and younger, their families and surviving spouses.

If a veteran is 60 years of age and older, we may be able to assist them with meals if they are wait listed, are on a restricted diet that Meals on Wheels cannot provide for them or are living in an area that the meal provider does not serve. We do not cook the meals, we pay a meal provider to deliver the meals to the veteran or a veteran can eat congregate meals if the meal provider offers that at their location.

We are also partnered with over 38 colleges, so a veteran can eat for free while attending college.

Being a nonprofit, we operate solely on donations, fundraising and grants. We are always looking for volunteers and attending all types of events to help raise awareness and donations.

We have been very blessed by the Boerne residents and by Black Rifle Coffee Company who allows us to attend the block parties they have.

On August 1, 2022, we have been invited to the Kerrville VA Hospital to set up in the canteen area and assist veterans to apply for meals. We will be at the VA Hospital from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We would like to invite any and all veterans to come and visit andapply for meals if they would like. If a veteran wants to apply for meals, they will need to bring a copy of their DD-214 and current income documents.

We would like to give a huge shout out to everyone in Boerne who has supported us at the block parties at Black Rifle Coffee Company. Your donations help us to continue to feed Texas veterans and their families. We could not do this without all of you.

Thank you.

–Denise Chambers

Development/Veteran Support





Boerne Star
