Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 10:07 AM

HCCArts Calendar

•“ Art AfterHours” is scheduled from 7-9 p.m. every Tuesday in the Classroom at The AgriCultural Museum and Arts Center, 102 City Park Road in Boerne. Supplies are included with class fee, discounts with HCCArts membership. Class size is limited; register today at Send inquiries to [email protected], or call Paula, 210-269-8349.

MARCH 18: Paste Paper (part one).

In the historical art of bookmaking, decorative end papers have been used to enhance and protect the book. We will produce ornamental paper using rice paste and paint. The process is a subtractive activity that reveals the vibrant colors beneath. Use your dazzling papers in a collage project in part 2.

MARCH 25: Paste Paper Mosaic Box (part two).

Bring your paste papers from part 1 or simply use our class supply. Build a three-dimensional collage on the surface of a paper mache’ trinket box. Explore color, designing and texture with a decoupage mosaic.

Upcoming Classes: April 15: Paper coil basket.

April 22: Metal bell.

April 29: Buttons, buttons, buttons.




Boerne Star