Friday, March 14, 2025 at 2:16 AM

Library ‘Free For All’ documents library memories

Library ‘Free For All’ documents library memories
The Patrick Heath Public Library on Feb. 16 will host a special presentation of “Free for All - The Public Library: How Public Libraries Shaped the Country and Continue to Be a Sanctuary for Americans Everywhere.” Courtesy art


Do you have fond memories or great experiences from the Boerne Library?

I have memories of the library in three different buildings: when it was located on Blanco Road, then in the Dienger building, and now its current location.

The Blanco Road location was a lifeline to me when I was a student at Boerne Middle School and then high school. I attended many great programs when the library was in the Dienger building.

Thanks to Independent Lens and PBS, the Patrick Heath Public Library has been given permission to show a special documentary about libraries, “Free for All - The Public Library: How Public Libraries Shaped the Country and Continue to Be a Sanctuary for Americans Everywhere.”

We are going to host this virtual event on Feb. 16 at 4 p.m. The documentary will air nationwide on PBS on April 29.

To sign up to watch the virtual program through our library or learn more about this documentary, contact [email protected], which is my e-mail here.

To promote this program, we will begin posting short interviews with authors as they talk about how their libraries growing up were a positive influence on them. We would like to have some local perspectives as well.

If you have fond memories of the Boerne Library (especially in previous locations), please e-mail me at the above address. We would love to record a short video interview with you to post online and then add to our archives.

One of my close friends accompanied her mom from the Boerne Motel (then next to Beef & Brew) to the library to participate in the Summer Reading Program in the 1970s. Her parents managed the Boerne Motel, and they would walk from the motel to Blanco Road to load up on books from the library.

I’ll be recording this remembrance and posting it to social media and the archives. Please watch for it and contact me if you have memories of your own

Other upcoming library programs: — Wednesday, Jan. 22, 4:30 p.m.: Crafternoon for Teens in the HUB.

— Wednesday, Jan. 22, 7 p.m.: Sound Meditation in the Community Room.

— Thursday, Jan. 23, 10 a.m.: Mary’s Potpourri Book Discussion Group will meet in the Conference Room to discuss “A Giraffe and a Half” by Shel Silverstein.

— Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m.: New Book Discussion Group, “Thrive in 2025.” Contact Leah Mayo at [email protected] for details.




Boerne Star