Friday, March 28, 2025 at 9:36 AM

Letters To The Editor

School vouchers: Paying the rich to attend school


Gov. Greg Abbott recently said, “Some people ... make it sound like you can’t have both school choice and robust public schools. That’s completely false. The reality is we can have the best public schools in America and also have school choice at the very same time. It does not have to be one or the other, and it’s wrong to pit one against the other.”

I totally agree with his statements above, until he inserts the word “private” right before “school choice”; which is probably what he intended all along.

He also said he was committed to “fully funding” Texas public schools. But his definition of “fully funded” is obviously different than mine, which is to raise our state’s per pupil funding from next to last up to the national average.

He also said that Texas will adopt “universal school choice” during the upcoming legislative session. Universal means all K-12 aged students are eligible, whether their families need financial assistance or not.

I’m definitely not in favor of my tax dollars going to an elite private school for someone else’s rich kid.

Maybe I just don’t understand what our governor really means; or maybe I understand all too well.

Our state legislature will begin meeting next week. Now is the time to contact state Sen. Donna Campbell (R-New Braunfels) and state Rep. Ellen Troxclair (R-Lakeway), both supporters of private school vouchers, and let them know that you do not support private school vouchers.

We have school board elections coming up in May. Ask the candidates about their position on private school vouchers and if they will stand up to the governor.

Richard Caldwell

Boerne resident




Boerne Star