For your Hill Country Council for the Arts, 2024 has been rewarding, with existing arts and community partnerships strengthened, and new ones forged.
We thank all of you who supported our programming, and brought home newly created masterpieces from either an Art AfterHours class, or Mini Workshop.
We are grateful for the artists who provided fine arts instruction at our Saturday Mini Workshops, and our talented education director who taught applied arts classes in our Art AfterHours program throughout the year.
We thank our talented Boerne Art Waddle and Boerne BierFest committee members who pursue the success of these events as if they were receiving a paycheck. And the volunteers who staff these events so professionally, we thank you for bringing HCCArts success within our community.
We appreciate the craft brewers and friendly, informed musicians, artists and vendors — who together and individually, make our events interesting and fun.
We thank our sponsors who generously help fund our events and programs and believe in the civility that the arts can provide us.
We welcomed back Johnny Rosa’s Texas Treasures Fine Arts Gallery to Main Street, but are sad to bid farewell to Gallery 195 Fine Arts, closing at year end.
Sadly, Boerne Performing Arts ended its international performances after 12 successful years. To fill a performance void, remember that Boerne Community Theatre continues to shine.
Boerne Concert Band and Boerne Village Band provide free community concerts throughout the year, keeping Boerne sweet. And thanks to Boerne ISD, whose fine arts, theatre, band and choir provide entertainment during the school year that do not disappoint.
We also welcomed Boerne Visual Artists late summer who collectively promise us interesting and entertaining programming and a Spring Show next year.
The New Year brings new opportunities as HCCArts, The AgriCultural Museum, and Girl with Grit, plan an exciting calendar of both cultural and arts events at the fiveacre venue — music, art, heritage, and tractor pulls — with youth self-sufficiency mixed in for good measure.
We remind you that the holiday season is an ideal time to visit galleries and museums, purchase tickets for a concert or play, or enjoy a well-prepared meal, sharing these experiences with family and friends.
End-of-year donations to aid in our mission are greatly appreciated. You can designate exactly where you would like your donated funds applied. Donations can be made at our website:, or you can mail checks to: HCC Arts, P.O. Box 2024, Boerne TX 78006.
Celebrating the Arts in Texas Hill Country — Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
