I am responding to a recent “Increase Not So Modest” Letter to the Editor (Oct. 27 issue) rant about annual Boerne Star subscription rate.
Cutting to the chase here. My $1.50 a week spent on our Boerne Star subscription is the best $1.50 I spend each week — bar none.
I’m talking a periodical reminder that doesn’t flood my inbox with social media garbage, but provides a succinct “Talk of Our Town” to 20,000 parents, 10,000 young people, 1,000-plus businesses, 50,000 customers and 10,000-plus of us who are enjoying retirement in a wonderful little corner world with our own city and county government, public school district par excellence, newspaper, radio station, chamber of commerce, visitors center, EDC, nature center, incredible churches — all making news that The Boerne Star reports like clockwork.
Methinks that writer doth protest too much. I probably spend more in a year on breath mints to make sure my comments come out fresh and clear ...
— Edward L. Rogers
Boerne resident