Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 2:45 PM

Letter To The Editor

Obstructionism helps no one


According to his own website, U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) will vote ‘No’ on any legislation sponsored by a legislator who disagreed with him regarding 2023 government funding. He holds this position regardless of the merits of the proposed law.

Is this the behavior of a U.S. representative who prioritizes the well-being of Texans?

For example, Roy’s was one of only three votes opposing recent common-sense legislation to improve access to federal courts, including the federal court in Alpine. He also was one of only two who opposed the Victims’ VOICES Act, a bill that clarifies restitution rights for victims.

Roy also advocates freezing spending for six months, which would require significant spending cuts to keep Social Security, Medicare, and our nation’s security intact. Fortunately, the Republican-controlled House ignored Roy’s childish antics and passed the 2024 spending bill.

Do Texans deserve a U.S. representative who obstructs “any-and-everything” if he doesn’t get his way? And one who proclaims that his signature issue is “election security,” while he ignores the Jan. 6 attack on our Capitol and his own party’s relentless efforts to undermine our elections and democracy?

To quote Rep. Roy, Texas “deserves better from its representatives than that.”

— Rob Lilieholm

Boerne resident




Boerne Star
