Friday, March 14, 2025 at 1:21 AM

Write Of Center: What Americans want

Americans want to be able to trust in her institutions, with an overwhelming majority desiring the following: An IRS or Justice Department that won’t target those they deem as political opponents.

A media that will be fair and unbiased and report only the news, not their opinions.

Universities committed to developing students’ critical thinking while eliminating speech codes that target the free and open exchange of ideas by groups of differing political views.

Schools that teach our children the accurate history of our nation, to respect its founding documents and principles, and be devoid of indoctrination by radicals who despise America.

Regardless of their political leanings, most Americans expect their leaders to act and commit to the following: Adherence to the Constitution while enforcing our current laws. A desire by Democrat candidate Kamala Harris to eliminate the filibuster caused Sen. Joe Manchin (I-West Virginia) to withdraw his endorsement of her, stating, “Shame on her. She knows the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy. It’s the only thing that keeps us talking and working together.”

Welcome legal immigrants who admire and respect our nation.

Avoid dividing us by race, gender and religion and then use that division to promote their political objectives.

Treat all Americans fairly and with dignity and respect, including the lives of unborn children.

Believe in meritocracy, with a focus on competence, not quotas.

Display understanding of our free market economic system and denounce stunts like price controls that simply produce a shortage of goods that in turn makes inflation even worse.

Leaders that have not spent their entire lives signing the back of a taxpayer funded government check, but rather those who have risked their own money in promoting economic growth and prosperity.

Not use taxpayer money to fund favored businesses of political supporters, be it green energy or any other industry.

A willingness to sit down with those of differing opinions to seek common ground on solving our nation’s problems, while not abandoning their core values and principles.

Denounce demagogues who vilify half of our nation’s citizens as deplorables or racists, but rather lift up all Americans.

Demonstrate consistency in their beliefs, not take a 180-degree turn on policies they promoted just four short years ago, be it on fracking, building a border wall, eliminating private health insurance or any other issue.

A candidate who opposed certain policies but now claims to support them is not credible. This constant inconsistency qualifies them to flip burgers or pancakes at the Waffle House, not be the leader of the free world. Who could possibly trust them?

Leaders who believe in accountability and are willing to be interviewed by objective journalists who ask difficult questions as opposed to softball ones.

Leaders, however imperfect they may be, who actually love America as opposed to radicals who never have anything good to say about our nation.

We don’t expect perfection from our leaders. We do expect candor and straightforward talk from leaders who will do what they say they are going to do.

Conversely, voters don’t like politicians who implement disastrous policies, such as inflation inducing out of control government spending or opening our borders, and now claim that they have solutions to the disasters that they created. Most voters see such politicians as hypocrites and con artists.

Voters won’t support politicians who funded bail for criminals, as happened during the Minneapolis riots, when looters vandalized small businesses owned by the very racial minorities they claim to care about.

Voters are wary of politicians who want to pack the Supreme Court, understanding that this runs counter to our system of checks and balances and would destroy the separation of powers.

Candidates who have no real policy agenda but speak only in the vaguest of generalities replete with word salads have richly earned a reputation as an “empty suit” not qualified for high office.

Some politicians count on voters to fall for their rhetoric or “vibes.” They’ve done it before and are counting on it to work again.

Don’t be gullible. As the old saying goes, fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice shame on me.

Together as Americans, let’s make our federal government trustworthy and accountable again. Vote Republican.




Boerne Star