Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 10:03 PM

Let’s do it in November

Wow, we are nearly halfway through September. Due to the writing schedule, this column is my last one before Election Day. I aim to make it count.

I saw a great quote from the famous Scottish economist Adam Smith (in 1776): “There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people.” A very farsighted man, that Adam Smith.

Today, there is a presidential candidate who promises to raise Americans’ taxes next year. You can be assured, she is not a Republican candidate. Republicans don’t raise taxes, we cut taxes.

President Trump, our candidate, has promised to extend the tax cuts he signed from a Republican congress in 2017.

Let’s go back down memory lane to the year 1980. Our GOP candidate for president was Ronald Reagan. I remember it well; I was a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, married with a young family. I made $14,048 that year and paid $1,274 in federal income taxes. But inflation was the real killer, at a whopping 14% that year.

During a campaign speech, Reagan dug into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill. He recalled that four years earlier, a dollar was worth a dollar. Then he reached into his other pocket, pulled out 64 cents’ worth of coins, and dropped them on the lectern. He said that is what a dollar is worth after four years of the Carter administration.

It was a very powerful message, and Reagan went on to win the first of his two successive landslide victories.

Reagan also asked voters if they were better off than four years earlier, and he rallied Americans to “make America great again.” All of that sounds very familiar, doesn’t it?

Yes, today’s reality is a failed presidency. In only one term, this administration has given Americans high inflation and high taxes. We pay record high federal income taxes every year. Our border has been wide open, with 11 million illegal immigrants moving into America. Worst of all, we were given assurances that the president was vigorous and sharp-minded. Shame on all those in the administration who lied to us for years.

Under President Trump, the border was secure. Inflation was only 1.4% when he left office. Income taxes were cut. Minority unemployment was at record lows.

A roadmap for a future Trump administration is outlined in our GOP platform. Seal the border, end inflation by making America affordable again, make America the dominant energy producer in the world, turn America into a manufacturing superpower, cut taxes again, defend our constitutional rights, restore peace in Europe and the Middle East, strengthen and modernize our military forces, and secure our elections.

We Republicans are the party of election integrity. You can be assured that the GOP is fighting to prevent non-citizens from voting. When you vote in Kendall County, every polling location is supervised by a Republican election judge. Vote counting is accurate and complete, every single vote. And our statewide GOP leaders are fighting to make all Texas counties just as rock solid as Kendall. Whether you vote by mail, at early voting, or on Election Day, be sure to vote.

Trump got 80% of our votes in 2020; now we need to run up the score in Kendall County again.

Whether you vote early or on Election Day, I hope to see you there. But if I’m inside a polling location, I cannot talk politics, that’s state law. However, campaigning is allowed outside the 100-foot boundaries, so you will see signs and enthusiastic Republican supporters. Stop and say howdy.

A vast majority of Americans feel our country is on the wrong track. We know that most of us were better off four years ago. At recent parades in Comfort and Boerne, we heard folks shouting, “Save our country!” to our GOP float.

This election is about putting America on the right track, restoring the American dream and protecting our individual freedoms.

We need a fresh start in Washington by building a Republican majority in the House of Representatives and taking over the White House and the Senate. Let’s do it. See y’all at the polls.

Scott S. Kramer is a Kendall County Republican.






Boerne Star
