Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 4:43 PM


Vouchers redirect millions

Editor, How weird is it that all our Republican representatives, from Ted Cruz to Chip Roy, Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, Donna Campbell and Ellen Troxclair, are lock step in destroying public education in Texas with their private school voucher initiative.

Currently there are approximately 1,104 students attending private schools in the Boerne Independent School District. If the private school voucher initiative passes, each student attending a private school will receive $8,000.

That comes out to $8,832,000 off the top. Just think what the BISD school district could do with that extra money.

Our entire school board is made up of Republicans who have passively resisted private school vouchers; can you blame them. They would receive the wrath of Abbott and Paxton.

If $8,832,000 is what is calculated for our district — this doesn’t include new students who will want to take advantage of the private school vouchers — just think how much money we are talking about statewide.

We need to stop this initiative and elect representatives who will support public education.

— Richard Caldwell Boerne resident

Be an informed voter

Editor, How is everyone doing these days? Are you better off financially and socially than you were four years ago?

How about the cost of groceries, gasoline, insurance, rent, or mortgages? Have you tried to buy a used vehicle lately?

I think we all need to dig beneath the mudslinging, rhetoric and propaganda to learn what’s really going on in our country, our schools, our churches and our neighborhoods.

This coming election is not a popularity contest. It’s about issues and policies that will deeply affect us and our families for many years to come.

It’s about our quality of life, for us and our children, who will suffer the most if we get it wrong. You can make a difference. Be an informed voter and make sure you vote.

— Stephen Bartell Boerne resident

Court agenda ‘fix’

Editor, Chicago politics were on full display during the Aug. 26 Kendall County Commissioners Court. In my opinion, disgraceful is the most appropriate adjective to describe what took place.

The meeting couldn’t have been more perfectly choreographed by a Broadway director or local politicians with conflicting interests.

To start things off, our county judge was absent “due to illness;” how very convenient. The presiding officer of the meeting was the individual who is on her way out, having been defeated in the recent primary election; how very convenient.

Next, I refer to the sequencing of the agenda items. Two major items were presented in a manner that told me “the fix is in.”

First, the annual budget was presented for discussion and action; of course, the proposed budget was approved with no increase in the tax rate, due to the increased property valuations as determined by the Kendall Appraisal District.

Bottom line: the average taxpayer is going to pay more in property taxes because of what I call “artificially inflated valuations.”

Next was the agenda item addressing annual salary increases. Why would this item be docketed after the approved annual budget, which already included the yet-to-be-discussed and approved salary increases?

The party line was, “The budget had to be approved first because of the need to meet state mandated timelines,” supposedly preventing the budget item from being tabled to the next regular commission meeting.

This explanation had the fingerprints of lawyers all over it; hardly surprising, as factual misrepresentations are the stock and trade of lawyers.

Based upon what took place Aug. 26, 2024, I believe some or all Kendall County officials — both elected and members of staff who orchestrated this charade — should lose their jobs.

You be the judge; they are your employees.

— Robert L. Imler Kendall County resident


Boerne Star
