Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 3:11 PM

Six of eight hospitalized after Saturday's fairgrounds bleacher collapse have been released

Six of eight hospitalized after Saturday's fairgrounds bleacher collapse have been released

Six of eight people hospitalized Saturday following the partial collapse of a section of seating at the Kendall County Fairground rodeo arena have been released, according to city officials.

Walter Ball, assistant fire chief for the Boerne Fire Department, Sunday said an investigation led by Kendall County Fire Marshal Brady Constantine will continue, as no cause or reason for the collapse has been determined at this time.

The Kendall County Fair opened as scheduled today. Entertainment and the carnival, exhibit hall, pavilion, games and vendors are available to fair-goers. Fair association directors were meeting to discuss how to proceed with events scheduled in the now-closed grandstand area.

Ball said a call came in about 9:15 p.m. Saturday of an incident at the fairgrounds resulting in injuries to patrons attending the evening pro rodeo.

While the investigation continues -- Ball said he had no information to divulge about occupancy or capacity of the bleacher area -- a view of the area Sunday morning shows an apparent separation of support beams holding up the top half of the bleacher. The collapse sent patrons, tables and chairs down into and under the bleacher seating.

He said four of the 12 injured refused treatment or were treated at the scene. There was no condition update given on the two people who remain hospitalized.

"We're working with the association, we're working with our partners to investigate and ensure the continued safety here on the grounds for rodeo vendors and observers," he said.

Kendall County Fire Marshal Brady Constantine was on the fairgrounds Saturday when the collapse occurred.

A licensed paramedic, Constantine said he immediately joined the rescue and relief effort.

"I ran to render aid and establish command at that point," Constantine said. Command was handed to the Boerne Fire Department shift commander as calls for aid went out and emergency vehicles began responding.

He said the decision to cancel the pro rodeo and clear the grounds "came early on, so emergency services could get in and effectively operate." The decision was made later on in the evening, he said, to clear the fairgrounds, due to the amount of resources responding.

Ball said initial response came from the Boerne Fire Department, Bergheim Fire Department and the Kendall County EMS agencies. A call to the South Texas Regional Advisory Council brought two ambulance strike teams of 10 total ambulances and an ambus from the San Antonio Fire Department,, to transport the injured.

Ball said emergency responders have been meeting with Kendall County Fair Association directors to keep them abreast of developments on the investigation.

The Boerne Star will bring more information as it is made available from fair directors and emergency responders.



Boerne Star
