Monday, November 18, 2024 at 7:25 PM

‘Under Our Feet’ to help develop appreciation of aquifer systems

AUSTIN — In celebration of August as National Water Quality Month, the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) has launched “Under Our Feet,” a new interactive website.

Under Our Feet is designed to promote better understanding and protection of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers and, especially, the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone that supplies the water for 1.5 million Texans.

Realizing that very few people understand the versatile resource presented by the prolific karst aquifer, GEAA designed this site to encourage everyone to develop a deeper appreciation of the underground landscape.

Under Our Feet provides users with an overview of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers, karst groundwater systems, the Edwards watershed landscape, risks facing the aquifer systems, how to protect karst aquifers and how to stay involved.

Users will discover which zone of the Edwards Aquifer they live in, what that means in the groundwater cycle, what risks the aquifer is facing, and what actions they can take to protect the Edwards Aquifer.

The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance unites fifty-nine member organizations behind a comprehensive plan to protect regional karst aquifers, their springs and watersheds, and the Texas Hill Country.

The site uses interactive maps, links, infographics and photos to provide an engaging experience for all users and can be accessed on cellphones, tablets, laptops and monitors.

Adults will be encouraged to “Take the Pledge” to adopt habits and practices that will protect the Edwards’ springfed streams and keep our water supply healthy.

Children can “Adopt a Blind Salamander,” one of the endangered species that lives within the aquifer and nowhere else.




Boerne Star
