Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 2:24 PM




The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


March 10

8:41 a.m., 240 Johns Rd.- A woman reported her son was being threatened at Boerne Middle School North.

10:28 a.m., 1002 River Rd.- A woman reported a storeroom was broken into a few days prior.

5:11 p.m., 170 S. Main St.- A woman requested extra patrols in the area because groups of teenagers were causing damage to property after employees left for the day. An officer patrolled the area and detained an individual.

Officers also conducted 18 security checks, made 33 traffic stops, assisted the public 15 times, removed four traffic hazards and worked two false alarms and two non-injury accidents.

March 11

1:46 a.m., 1000 Diamond- A man woke up to someone banging on his door. When he answered the knocking, the man was barefoot and looking for someone. He left but returned, asking about his 14-year-old daughter.

3:47 p.m., 529 MM I-10 E.- A woman and man both reported an older, beat-up Suburban had full police lights and was stopping different vehicles on the interstate and traveling at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was with homeland security.

6:30 p.m., 369 Esser Rd.- A man reported the driver of a grey Toyota Tundra ran him off the road by speeding through a red light. He suspected the driver was intoxicated and said they were headed toward Cordillera Ranch.

7:52 p.m., 934 N. Main St.- Three teenage women were physically fighting in the back barking lot of Mague’s Café. A man suspected they may be employees as all three were wearing what seemed to be black uniforms.

9:11 p.m., 31700 I-10 W.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop.

11:53 p.m., 500 block Adler Rd.- Officers took a man into custody while checking on a vehicle reported as suspicious. A Glock 19 was found during the investigation.

Officers also conducted 16 security checks, made 10 traffic stops, assisted the public 21 times and worked eight false alarms, four non-injury accidents, one animal call and one reckless driver.

March 12

1:20 a.m., Main and Hosack streets- A woman was arrested during a traffic stop.

1:38 a.m., 542 MM I-10 W.- A man reported a white Mercedes drove into a barrier on the interstate at a high rate of speed, which resulted in one vehicle rolling over and another vehicle receiving heavy front-end damage. One passenger was reported as having a major head injury.

3:28 a.m., 100 block Star Dr.- A woman reported a fire ignited in the living room of a home. She said the family was out, but she was advised to wake the neighbor and ask them to evacuate.

8:11 a.m., 825 Johns Rd.- A man reported his vehicle was stolen. He parked it in the front of the apartment complex the night before and it was gone that morning.

11:57 a.m., 31205 I-10 W.- A woman said unexpected charges appeared on her bank statement after she made a purchase at Toyota of Boerne.

4:23 p.m., 1433 S. Main St.- A “very intoxicated” man was arrested after he stumbled out of the AT&T store and sat in his truck in front of Pizza Hut.

7:24 p.m., 420 W. Bandera Rd.- The cheesy comedian was back in action, throwing cheese at a woman’s vehicle while they drove by in a blue Ford Super Duty Truck.

8:24 p.m., 300 block Lott- A man called to report two individuals were fighting, including his ex-partner, after his 8-year-old son contacted him. His son was with his mother but told his father his mother was drunk and fighting with a man. The father wanted to pick up his son, and he asked that child protective services get involved since this was an ongoing issue.

Officers also conducted six security checks, made 27 traffic stops, assisted the public 23 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked three false alarms and three non-injury accidents.

March 13 10:29 a.m., 31700 I-10 W.- A man was arrested during a traffic stop.

10:29 a.m., 500 block W. Bandera Rd.- A white man in overalls was cussing at cars.

11:34 a.m., 1381 S. Main St.- A Walmart employee requested a criminal trespass warning for a man who was throwing stuff around the store and making racial slurs toward employees. He made his way through several departments and the store bathrooms before officers arrived and issued the citation.

12:05 p.m., Esser and Blanco roads- A woman with a knife was trying to stab a man at the Metro Stop.

3:24 p.m., 37101 I-10 E.- A woman reported her 12-year-old daughter was having a meltdown, kicking the back of the mother’s seat in the vehicle.

4:57 p.m., 36700 block I-10 W.- An employee at Best Western reported seeing a man and woman hitting what appeared to be a juvenile. The woman was reportedly carrying a bow and arrow. The two got into a vehicle and drove away.

7:55 p.m., 100 block Old San Antonio Rd.- A property owner reported there was a man on their property smoking marijuana and drinking, and they wanted an officer to go speak to him.

10:40 p.m., Scenic Loop and Sophia- A woman herd what she thought to be 11 gunshots fired. Officers patrolled the area and didn’t hear any gunshots.

Officers also conducted nine security checks, made 19 traffic stops, assisted the public nine times, removed two traffic hazards, served a warrant and worked six false alarms, one animal call and one reckless driver.


March 10

11:40 a.m., 405 Comfort Place- A woman reported a picture and medication were stolen from her apartment about two weeks prior while she was out of town.

1:59 p.m., 6 Staudt St.- A woman wanted to pick up her property from the jail, but staff learned she had a warrant, and she went back in.

Deputies also conducted a security check, made 44 traffic stops, assisted the public nine times, removed three traffic hazards and worked four false alarms, three animal calls and three reckless drivers.

March 11

12:05 a.m., 100 block Spring Lane- A woman reported her husband drank vodka when he shouldn’t be drinking. She said he has serious anger issues and made threats toward her and their daughter. He got into a vehicle and drove to the end of the driveway and sat there.

10:43 a.m., 100 block River Trail- A woman gave someone permission to drive her truck, but she hadn’t heard from the person. She was told it was a civil issue, so she said she would contact officers and Fredericksburg to try to locate the vehicle.

12:02 p.m., 913 Hwy 46 E.- A man showed up at the Subway with a knife and was threatening to hurt one of the employees. His wife worked there, btu she was locked in an office with her boss. A woman reported he was likely coming down from meth.

6:59 p.m., 100 block Sunflower- A man heard seven gunshots and a bunch of guys between two trucks. He wasn’t sure what they were shooting at, but deputies couldn’t locate them.

11:31 p.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- A shoplifter at Love’s Travel Stop was being aggressive, but they were detained by deputies.

Deputies also made 31 traffic stops, assisted the public 17 times, removed six traffic hazards, served two warrants and worked one false alarm, two animal calls and one reckless driver.

March 12

1:38 a.m., 542 M I-10 W.- A man saw a white Mercedes strike a barrier on the interstate at a high rate of speed. When first responders arrived, they found the driver had a severe head injury.

3:05 p.m., 45 Voss Parkway- A woman was teaching her daughter how to drive in the parking lot when they got locked in.

4:23 p.m., 100 block Spanish Pass Rd.- A woman reported she and her husband had been arguing, and he refused to leave. She said he tackled their 13-yearold daughter, and they had six children in the house. The mother said he had behaved this way before.

7:24 p.m., Wasp Creek Road- A woman claimed her uncle was in a cult and summoned a poltergeist. A deputy advised her that wasn’t a crime.

Deputies also made 57 traffic stops, assisted the public nine times, removed a traffic hazard and worked two false alarms and one non-injury accident.

March 13

10:23 a.m., 100 block N. Stonegate-A woman reported her 16-year-old granddaughter brought marijuana into her home. Deputies didn’t find anything when they looked in the house, but the granddaughter had already left.

1:28 p.m., 522 MM I-10 E.- A woman was concerned about a truck that was swerving off the road as it came into Kendall County with its hazards on. A deputy stopped the driver to check on them, and he said he was having mechanical issues.

3 p.m., 522 MM I-10 E.- A woman reported a Dodge Ram 1500 had subjects in the bed of the truck laying under blankets. Nine individuals were detained by deputies. Two women and three men were transported by van to the jail.

6:53 p.m., 580 Sunflower- A rape was reported at the apartment complex. Both the victim and the alleged rapist were residents of the apartment complex.

11:58 p.m., 700 block Water St.- A man reported he had been assaulted, saying he had lacerations on his face, but he gave little information about the subject.

Deputies also made 23 traffic stops, assisted the public 10 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked five false alarms, two non-injury accidents, two animal calls and one reckless driver.




Boerne Star