Friday, October 18, 2024 at 12:54 AM

Fair Oaks Ranch ‘cut-through’ road remains closed

In December of 2023, Noble Lark Drive was closed in order to eliminate cut-through traffic in Fair Oaks Ranch neighborhoods. The closure rerouted traffic onto major connecting roads to help steady the flow of vehicles for the nearby school, Van Raub Elementary.

Seven months later, the road remains closed with multiple sets of barricades, traffic cones and signs.

At their June 20 meeting, Fair Oaks Ranch City Council members considered five alternatives to deal with the closure in a discussion only format.

Oscar Michael Garza, the city’s general engineering consultant, said his team conducted multiple studies, including site visits and travel-time analysis in neighborhoods near Van Raub, in order to present the alternatives.

The five alternatives include: Permanent closure of Noble Lark Drive; reopening Noble Lark; convert the road to a one-way operation, southbound; convert the road to one-way operation, northbound; and a right-turn (onto Dietz Elkhorn Road only.

After Garza ran through extensive pro-con analysis of each option, council members expressed opinions about what should be done about the road.

Most concerns were rooted from safety and traffic violations that may occur along Noble Lark Drive.

Mayor Pro Tem Laura Koerner asked whether fire and police departments were notified about the closure of the road. Garza’s team assured her they did speak with the two departments, who expressed no concerns about the closure.

Councilwoman Emily Stroup favored a version of the rightturn- only alternative, saying that “the idea behind the right turn was to have access for an emergency situation,” she said.

“If the police or fire needed to get there sometimes 30 seconds is the difference between life and death,” Stroup said.

Councilman Scott Parker partially agreed with councilwoman Stroup, saying, “I’ve gone down that same thought process as you.

“I don’t think closing it off all the time is always the best idea. I know we’re studying it, but I think that this hammerhead idea will work to alleviate the traffic problem that people are concerned about,” Parker added.

Ruben Olvera expressed concerns about whether there have been any studies done about the raised island that would flow traffic to the right.

“Statistically have there been people who disregard it and just turn left from the intersection anyway?” Olvera said. Garza answered by explaining that a study has not locally been done.

After closing the road in mid-December, the city sought to analyze data from the engineer as well as gain feedback from residents who either live along Noble Lark, or motorists who no longer have Noble Lark as a route to drop off their children at Van Raub.

For now, Noble Lark Drive remains closed. Council members were not able to vote on the situation, which was only on the agenda as a discussion item.


Boerne Star
