Friday, October 18, 2024 at 1:07 AM


Oil, fracking opposition coming from Democrats

Editor, The Democrats like to claim responsibility for the record U.S. oil production, but do not want to take credit for the high energy prices. The increased U.S. oil production is in spite of the Democrats best efforts.

The Kendall County Democrat (in the June 16 Boerne Star) points out that the “Super fracking has been the secret to this growth, and Texas has been a super beneficiary.”

Texas and North Dakota are Republican states that allow hydraulic fracturing. California and New York have missed out on the onshore shale revolution, not because of geology, but because of Democrats opposition to hydraulic fracturing.

Both states have oil rich shale deposits. Most Democrats in the U.S. Congress are also opposed to hydraulic fracturing anywhere in the U.S. The Kendall County Democrat also tells us that “Climate change is real and we must move to renewables that don’t produce carbon dioxide to save our planet.” A basic tenet of science is that correlation does not prove causation, as with carbon dioxide and temperature.

A basic tenet of sedimentary geology is that the seas come in and the seas go out. Sea level has risen almost 400 feet since the peak of the last Ice Age, 18,000 years ago, due to Earth’s natural glacial cycles.

We are currently in a (warm) interglacial stage. There are coral atolls and islands around the world. Coral only grows underwater. Most of these islands and atolls grew during the last interglacial stage around 130,000 years ago, when sea level was 25 feet higher.

The Earth was much warmer when sea level was 25 feet higher. Humans and the Earth survived it.

— Richard C. Burnett Fair Oaks Ranch resident


Boerne Star
