James “Jim” Williams has recently been appointed as assistant city manager for the city of Fair Oaks Ranch.
Williams will join the city staff July 22 and will be presented at an official City Council meeting following that date.
A city statement dated June 14 said Williams “will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the city’s administration team, contributing to its strategic planning and operational oversight.” Williams was born and raised in San Antonio where he graduated from Holmes High School. He currently holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a master’s degree in business administration.
He retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2007, having concluded his service with the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, where he was awarded a Bronze Star for his service in Iraq.
He made his home in Alaska where he married his wife, Sheila, and became father to two children, Sara and Sean. He most recently served as Chief of Staff for the North Star Borough in Fairbanks Alaska, where he was responsible for the administration of municipal government operations.

In that capacity, he handled strategic planning and oversight of government operations, where he oversaw critical functions such as information technology, finance, public works, procurement, public relations, emergency management, library services, and parks and recreation.
In this role he also was responsible for planning, executing and managing operational and capital budget expenditures that exceeded $180 million annually.
Previously, WIlliams was the chief information officer at the Tanana Chiefs Conference, a tribal health consortium based in Fairbanks, Alaska. At TCC, he developed and executed a comprehensive technology roadmap that served 42 Alaska villages, with a primary focus on healthcare and social services.