The loaves of sourdough bread were flying off the shelves. Repeat customers, new customers, other vendors — Taylor Avila can’t keep up with the demand for her homemade sourdough bread.
The Taylor Made Baked Goods tent was a jumping place Tuesday at the Boerne Farmer’s Market. Avila’s homemade organic sourdough bread loaves were about to sell out. The home chef-turned-bread aficionado packaged 65 loaves for sale at the market.
With just a few loaves left approaching the two-hour mark, she was selling at the brisk pace of one loaf every two minutes.
What started in October 2023 as a tiny business venture quickly ballooned into a thriving enterprise for Avila and her husband, Roy.
The Boerne Star launches its “Business Spotlight” Wednesday with Avila and Taylor Made Baked Goods. Every Wednesday, the Star’s online edition will feature a page about a budding business, a new venture, a firm that’s relocated within town, is under new management — any aspect of business that deserves a spotlight.
Log on Wednesday to find the story behind Taylor Made Baked Goods — and return every week for another Boerne business “in the spotlight.”