Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 2:16 PM


LAW ENFORCEMENT The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or

LAW ENFORCEMENT The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


2:46 a.m., 20000 block Blanco Rd.- San Antonio officers called on Boerne PD to help with a positive K9 alert.

7:20 a.m., 100 block Destiny- A man had a bucket full of 12-gauge ammunition he needed to get rid of.

10:30 a.m., 100 block Jolie Circle- A man was arrested after violating a protective order a woman had against him. The woman reported he was following her despite the protective order, nearly rear-ending her vehicle.

12:26 p.m., 537 MM I-10 E.- A woman passed a van and thought a man had a shotgun to his through, but she lost it on the interstate.

5:20 p.m., 711 River Rd.- A woman accused a 10-year-old boy of puling a butterfly knife and threatening to stab her friend. 5:24 p.m., 400 block Rosewood Ave.-

5:24 p.m., 400 block Rosewood Ave.- A woman saw two teenagers parked in a resident parking spot rolling a joint. They ignored her when she told them leave.

9:17 p.m., 825 Johns Rd.- Police arrested a man after his girlfriend texted a friend saying he was beating her up. The friend called 911 and advised officers she may be in immediate danger.

Officers also conducted 31 security checks, made 20 traffic stops, assisted the public 22 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked six false alarms, two non-injury accidents and one reckless driver.

March 5

12:16 a.m., 538 MM I-10 E.- A motorcycle accident led to two riders being injured, and another driver suspected they were intoxicated. An officer was unable to locate the accident.

9:05 a.m., Herff Road and Main Street- The streets were alive with the sound of music, but a man wasn’t happy about a guy in a plaid shirt playing his guitar in the median.

6:25 p.m., 200 block W. Theissen- A man ran off two 13- to 15-year-old teenagers from his property. Despite saying they were fishing, he wanted officers to check on them to see what they were doing.

Officers also conducted 26 security checks, made 24 traffic stops, assisted the public nine times, removed a traffic hazard and worked one false alarm, three non-injury accidents, one animal call and two reckless drivers.

March 6

2:13 a.m., 100 block Sage Canyon- Residents were fed up with a motorcycle that had been racing up and down their street since 11 p.m. that night. When an officer arrived five minutes later, the bike was parked.

4:01 p.m., 33000 I-10 W.- A man called officers his mother was trying to have the trailer he lived in with his father towed.

5:34 p.m., 633 W. Bandera Rd.- A woman reported a woman with a baby and young son were panhandling near The Home Depot. Officers didn’t locate the woman or her children.

9:37 p.m., 545 MM I-10 W.- A man spotted a black Charger, a purple Charger and a blue Mustang racing on the interstate, estimating they were going about 120 miles per hour.

Officers also conducted 28 security checks, made 15 traffic stops, assisted the public 12 times, served seven warrants and worked four false alarms and one animal call.

March 7

1:06 a.m., 300 block James St.- A woman was concerned about an AV company that was being pushy about installing equipment. She was concerned they would steal something from the location.

9:53 a.m., 420 W. Bandera Rd.- A woman reported her mother was involved in an accident while the two were in the store. She said the actor was not around when they got out of the store.

2:03 p.m., 125 Crosspoint- A woman wanted to know if her son was allowed to kick her out of an apartment, noting her name was not on the lease.

3:49 p.m., 1002 River Rd.- A woman was notified her storage unit was broken into. She told dispatchers that nothing seemed stolen, but there was damage.

6:23 p.m., 1100 block Paniolo- A man reported an employee was actively stealing equipment.

6:34 p.m., 106 City Park- A woman reported she saw a man and woman open her car doors and look through her vehicle. When she confronted them, they said they were confused and thought it was their car.

7:17 p.m., 420 W. Bandera Rd.- An H-E-B employee reported a fraudulent $5 bill and asked deputies pick it up.

Officers also conducted 18 security checks, made 28 traffic stops, assisted the public 14 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked three false alarms, two non-injury accidents and one reckless driver.



March 4

12:21 p.m., White Water Road- A woman was placed under an emergency detention after reporting a rape.

5:11 p.m., 6 Staudt St.- A woman was concerned her ex-boyfriend may have reported a gun she owned stolen.

6:17 p.m., 100 block November Lane- A man was seen getting in and out of his vehicle and shooting in an open field.

9:34 p.m., 2700 block FM 473- A man had a neighbor’s package delivered. When he tried to have the courier pick it back up, the package was gone. The woman asked deputies to give the man her phone number so they could work out what to do with any future deliveries.

Deputies also made 23 traffic stops, assisted the public 18 times, served a warrant and worked two false alarms, two non-injury accidents and three reckless drivers.

March 5

12 a.m., 200 block Post Oak St.- A teacher at Comfort Middle School was concerned when a student asked where he could get a handgun.

8:30 a.m., 100 block Sabine Rd.- A man was given two hours to gather his belongings and vacate a property, but he decided to spend the time recording an argument and photographing the property.

5:30 p.m., 100 block Acker- A man said a property owner threatened to mistake him for a pig and shoot him, adding “his body would never be found.” The property owner was accusing the man of trespassing, btu the man said the game warden had already informed the landowner that waterways had public access.

8:19 p.m., 100 block N. Wagon Wheel Dr.- A woman reported a white GMC truck was speeding through her neighborhood when they ran over her dog. She said the man drove by several times after laughing at her. Deputies advised the woman to take her dog to a 24/7 veterinarian clinic.

10:22 p.m., FM 1376 and Steel Valley Dr.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop.

Deputies also made 19 traffic stops, assisted the public eight times, served a warrant and worked 12 false alarms, two non-injury accidents, two animal calls and two reckless drivers.

March 6

6:59 a.m., 200 block Hannah Lane- A man reported his wife was kidnapped “from under him.” Deputies noted to dispatch they were familiar with the husband.

6:54 p.m., 43 N. Hwy 87- Medics assisted when a 19-year-old woman began having seizures at the Love’s Travel Stop.

7:52 p.m., 580 Sunflower- A man reported a strong smell of marijuana, but he wasn’t sure which neighbor it was. Deputies found it was a small amount of cigarette smoke, and no crime had taken place.

10:04 p.m., Holiday Road and I-10 E. Access Road-Deputies stopped to check on a motorist pulled over on the side of the road. She was upset after an argument with her husband and needed to settle down before driving again.

Deputies also conducted two security checks, made 27 traffic stops, assisted the public 14 times, served a warrant and worked one false alarm, two animal calls and three reckless drivers.

March 7

7:13 a.m., 200 block FM 1621- A man was concerned about a sheep in the shoulder who was inching its way toward the state highway.

10:02 a.m., 533 MM I-10 E.- A deputy stopped a vehicle and found neither the driver nor the passenger had a driver’s license. The deputy issued the driver a citation and had them call a licensed driver there to drive them home.

5:49 p.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- A man reported a semitruck pulled up behind him nearly touching his bumper. This was an issue because he has a stick shift, and his vehicle would roll back if he were to put in drive. The semitruck driver called deputies frustrated the guy in front of him wouldn’t let him pull into the gas pump. The two drivers exchanged information.

10:09 p.m., 600 block Deer Rd.- A woman said she was making arrangements to sell someone a car, but she said the individual took the car while she wasn’t home. She said the person took three cars.

11:01 p.m., 31138 I-10 W.- A woman said five subjects were fighting in the parking lot, throwing punches.

Deputies also made 18 traffic stops, assisted the public 19 times and worked four false alarms, one non-injury accident, two animal calls and four reckless drivers.




Boerne Star