Total Eclipse of the Sun
The solar eclipse takes place on Monday, April 8, and Boerne is close to the epicenter of this once-in-a-lifetime event for our community. This means the town is packed with people from out of town, so we’ve decided to close the library to foot traffic that day.
We will still be taking phone calls, answering emails and helping you remotely in whatever way we can. We strongly encourage you to stay put that day and enjoy the eclipse from your home.
A Rite of Spring
The Boerne Independent School District has once again transformed the library into a beautiful gallery of stunning artwork. All grades are represented, and the lovely pieces can be found throughout the building.
We have partnered with the schools’ art teachers for years, and it’s something staff and the community look forward to. Please consider stopping by during the month of April.
Library staff can point you in the general direction of your child’s art, but we don’t know the exact location.
AARP tax help
We continue to be astounded at the wonderful work our tax volunteers from the AARP Tax Aide Foundation are doing for the community and the public at large.
Just in the month of March, they have assisted 584 people by electronically filing their federal income taxes.
This popular and free service is by appointment only and, unfortunately, we are completely booked.
Movie classics
If you enjoy older movies, then you’ll love our monthly Movie Classics program, which takes place at The Center at Kronkosky, at 17 Old San Antonio Road in Boerne.
This month’s movie selection — “Enchanted April,” featuring Alfred Molina and Joan Plowright — is set for 1-3 p.m. on April 10.
The movie can be watched by anyone, but we ask that you register with Caren Creech by emailing her at [email protected], to let her know how many will be coming.
Killer crafts
Our monthly crime-podcast program, during which attendees listen and work on their own crafts, will feature the Black Dahlia murders during the months of April and May.
If you don’t have a craft to work on, have no fear. We will provide crafts for you.
Please join us at 6 p.m. on April 10 for the first episode. We assure you that this is a fascinating program that promotes some spirited discussions amongst the participants.
We need book donations
The Bookshop Under the Windmill, located next to the library, is run totally by volunteers with the Friends of the Boerne Public Library. The beautiful bookstore inspires people to browse and find good deals.
That said, the Friends need gently used books, including children’s books, puzzles with all the pieces, CDs and movies. They don’t accept audio or video cassettes.
Drop off your donated items at the library during business hours. The Friends sort and price the books in our location before taking them to the shop. All proceeds benefit the library.
Staying Informed
You can contact us at 830-249-3053; visit us at, download the MyLibro app, and you can also track us down on our two Facebook accounts and on Instagram.