Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 11:29 PM

Champion’s Kolar BISD ‘Teacher of the Year’

Champion’s Kolar BISD ‘Teacher of the Year’
Robert Kolar (left) BISD Teacher of the Year and Jordan Moellendorf Teacher of the Year runner-up.

BOERNE — Champion High School English II Honors AP research teacher Robert Kolar has been named the 2024 District Teacher of the Year. The announcement was made at the March 23 Boerne Education Foundation “Rock On” fundraising event.

Kolar received a $10,000 check from Vic Vaughan Toyota of Boerne, as well as a $1,500 stipend from Boerne ISD.

During his tenure at Champion, Kolar has taught English I, English I Honors, English II Honors/GT, independent study mentorship, academic decathlon, student leadership (StuCo) and AP research.

As the StuCo sponsor, Kolar oversees the majority of homecoming activities, including the Chargers homecoming parade.

Mr. Kolar spent eight years in the U.S. Army and 12 years in law enforcement before becoming a teacher.

Teacher of the year runner-up honors went to Boerne Middle School South sixth and seventh grade science teacher Jordan Moellendorf, who will receive a $1,500 stipend from Boerne ISD.

Moellendorf, a Boerne native and Boerne High School graduate, is in her 10th year of teaching and sixth year at Boerne Middle School South. Previously, Moellendorf was the Boerne Middle School South Teacher of the Year in 2019-2020.

The 12 other campus teachers of the year received $500 cash from Vic Vaughan Toyota of Boerne, as well as a $1,000 stipend from Boerne ISD. 




Boerne Star