Friday, March 14, 2025 at 11:24 PM

Unholstering history: Lawman legends, 19th century weaponry comes to town

Unholstering history: Lawman legends, 19th century weaponry comes to town
Fred Dodge, Wells Fargo detective

BOERNE — The Patrick Heath Public Library and the Old Jail Museum are teaming up to bring a taste of the Wild West to town this weekend, for anyone interested in local lawmen legends and 19th century weaponry.

On public exhibit Saturday in the library’s gallery will be a remarkable collection of photos and other items that once belonged to the Kendall County family of Captain Fred Dodge (1854-1938).

Having gone unseen for over 125 years, the exhibit will be of interest to residents of Boerne who may have heard of the Dodge family, and/or known Fred Dodge’s wife, Jessie (1881-1953), or his son, Fred Jr., who lived in Boerne until 1978.

The event, scheduled as a Regional Roundup for the Wild West History Association, kicks off Saturday with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 12:30 p.m. in the Heath Library.

At 1 p.m. two distinguished Texas antique gun collectors will share their knowledge of specific examples of 19th century weaponry.

Frank Graves, with his primary interest in early Colt revolvers, will talk first on “Samuel Colt and the Evolution of Today’s Revolver.”

Kurt House will follow and give a talk on “Latin Colony Settler Ernst Kapp and the Sisterdale Revolver.” Both speakers are well-known in Texas, both having served as the President of the Texas Gun Collectors Association.

Finally, two Tombstone researchers, Ron Woggon and Jean Smith, will speak on “Detective Fred Dodge and His Wells Fargo Shotgun.” In their talk, they will explain the connection between the Wells Fargo weapon and the Fred Dodge exhibit library.

The event is free and open to the public, especially for those with questions to ask of the speakers and about the weaponry on display.

A box lunch will be supplied at 11:30 a.m. in the library by the Cypress Grill, with a donation.

For all interested in the history of the Dodge family, at 4 p.m. a short field trip from the library to the Boerne Cemetery will include a visit to Dodge family gravesites.

Wild West History Association ‘Regional Roundup’

Saturday, March 23 Starting at 12:30 p.m. Heath Public Library 19th century weaponry, Speakers, gravesite visit Free, open to the public Box lunch, by donation




Boerne Star