Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 9:03 AM


Cast your votes for experienced candidates

Editor, It is of the utmost importance to have experienced elected offices in Kendall County. A candidate with a proven record and knowledge of the office and community will help to create a better governing body and produce better results for our citizens.

When a candidate is not experienced and states that they will learn the job if elected, warning signs should be flashing. This does not reflect any experience or background for an elected position.

Winning an election is difficult for a brief period. Governing well is a skill earned by balancing the needs of all constituents and making difficult decisions. It is a longterm effort.

It is also important that an elected official knows the community and has a history of volunteering and participating in events.

I encourage each registered voter to go to the polls and vote for a candidate with experience and a proven track record.

— Tom Frost III Boerne resident

Appeal to congressman for support of Alzheimer’s work

Editor, As an advocate for the Alzheimer’s Association and caregiver, I send thanks to the bipartisan champions in Congress for the great progress in advancing research on Alzheimer’s and dementia, providing hope to families like mine in the midst of a terrible diagnosis and disease progression.

Right now, Alzheimer’s has no cure and no survivors. A cure is there — we must expand our efforts to find it. While we search, we must support the folks with the disease and their caregivers.

The following legislative requests are a significant step to find that cure at a time when more than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, including 400,000 in Texas.

Prioritizing how this devastating disease is addressed remains a critical issue for our country.

Much progress has been made over the last decade thanks in large part to Congress passing the National Alzheimer’s Project Act and the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act.

But with NAPA and AAA set to expire in 2025, updated legislation is urgently needed by people living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers.

The NAPA Reauthorization Act would continue the work of the national plan to build on the progress made in research, clinical and long-term care, and public awareness.

Importantly, this legislation also seeks to help address health disparities among underrepresented populations, including those here in Texas.

The Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act will ensure this critical information is permanently available to Congress to help determine the necessary Alzheimer’s research funding levels each year.

Thankfully, Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas) can act. Please join me and the Alzheimer’s Association in encouraging him to renew our nation’s commitment to the fight against Alzheimer’s and other dementia, by supporting the NAPA Reauthorization Act and the Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act.

To learn more about this disease and how you can join the fight, visit

— Kevin Henning Kendall County resident




Boerne Star
