Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 2:15 PM


LAW ENFORCEMENT The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830- 249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or

LAW ENFORCEMENT The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830- 249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


February 22

10:52 a.m., 100 block Rock Canyon-A woman and her husband were arguing, and she said he pushed her while she was holding their child. She said he was then just sitting at his desk working, and she wanted officers to make him leave.

10:55 a.m., 433 W. Bandera Rd.- A woman reported a white Ford truck with Brownsville ISD has 15 illegals in it.

2:28 p.m., 420 W. Bandera Rd.- A woman said the man she had a protective order against was following her. She said he was driving up and down the rows of the H-E-B parking lot while she was at the gas pumps.

3:19 p.m., 801 River Rd.- A man was suspicious his phone was hacked and given a virus that may be spreading to his Wi-Fi routers. He said his electronics were being messed with by the person hacking him, so, unsurprisingly, he didn’t answer when officers called back.

8:13 p.m., 1010 River Rd.- A woman reported an upstairs and downstairs neighbor in her apartment complex were fighting because the upstairs neighbor kept stomping around, keeping the downstairs neighbor awake.

11:43 p.m., 1381 S. Main St.- A manager at Walmart was under siege. She explained to people in the parking lot that the store was closed, but people just forced the sliding doors open with their hands.

Officers also conducted 27 security checks, made 28 traffic stops, assisted the public 33 times, removed a traffic hazard, served a warrant and worked four false alarms, eight non-injury accidents and two reckless drivers.

February 23 6:35 a.m., 35065 I-10 W.- Two men were outside Starbucks and refused to leave. A shift supervisor at the store said the men were circling the building trying to find a way in even through the lobby was closed.

9:40 a.m., 35065 I-10 W.- A mother was concerned about her daughter who worked at Starbucks due to the previous issue. Her daughter wasn’t answering texts or calls, but the issue seemed to have been resolved earlier in the day.

10:53 a.m., 430 W. Bandera Rd.- An employee at Communicare said there was a homeless camp behind the shopping center, and several customers were complaining about it.

12:59 p.m., 179 S. Main St.- A man said homeless people were sleeping in the elevator at night at the Laurie Saunders store.

4:31 p.m., 537 MM I-10- Two individuals were arrested during a traffic stop.

9:23 p.m., 35000 I-10 W.- A new intake patient broke into a medicine box and kept telling anyone who approached her to back away. The 14- to 15-year-old girl seemed to put something in her pocket, but staff was unsure if she took any of the medication.

Officers also conducted 32 security checks, made 13 traffic stops, assisted the public 13 times and worked four false alarms, two non-injury accidents and one animal call.

February 24

12:44 a.m., 907 E. Blanco Rd.- The president of Boerne Community Theatre found a homeless man sleeping on the side of the building.

7:23 a.m., 1 Main Plaza- A city employee reported graffiti in the men’s bathroom at the square and soap in the fountain. 7:57 a.m., 200 block Wick

7:57 a.m., 200 block Wickersham- A father wanted to report an incident that occurred the night before between his 13-year-old son and his ex-wife. Later, the mother called looking for her son because he left the night before after an argument.

9:18 a.m., 440 W. Bandera Rd.- A woman parked at the gas pumps since 4 a.m. was making sexual comments toward an employee and customers.

12:30 p.m., 1379 S. Main St.- A young man with a goatee cut another driver off before flashing a gun out the window.

Officers also conducted 25 security checks, made 10 traffic stops, assisted he public 16 times, removed two traffic hazards, served a warrant and worked seven false alarms, five non-injury accidents and two reckless drivers.

February 25 

8:33 a.m., 100 block Graham St.- A woman went into the police department to report a sexual assault of her son that took place several years prior on Graham Street.

3:46 p.m., 451 N. Main St.- A woman saw a mother banging on her vehicle dashboard and yelling at a child in the backseat while parked at the Patrick Heath Public Library. The mother then confronted the woman, asking if she had a problem and needed to talk.

7:27 p.m., 116 W. Blanco Rd.- Three male teenagers and one female teenager were seen inside the business complex when the doors should’ve been locked. A man said vandalism had occurred in the area before, so he was concerned.

10:33 p.m., 121 Old San Antonio Rd.- Two staff members at the Roy Maas Youth Alternative Center said someone assaulted them.

Officers also conducted 17 security checks, made 10 traffic stops, assisted the public 13 times, removed three traffic hazards and worked eight false alarms, two non-injury accidents and three reckless drivers.

February 26

10:36 a.m., 100 block Dailey- A vehicle was reported burglarized.

1:26 p.m., 100 block Rattlesnake Bluff- A mother said her 15-year-old son ran away the night before. She didn’t report him missing that night, but she saw him at Champion High School that afternoon. He ran from her, leading an officer to locate him before a short pursuit. The parents found him after he jumped a fence to avoid the officer.

10:30 p.m., 1022 N. Main St.- A woman reported her vehicle was stolen while parked at Broken Stone Pizza after she left the keys in the car.

Officers also conducted 11 security checks, made 14 traffic stops, assisted the public 12 times and worked one false alarm, two non-injury accidents and three reckless drivers.


February 27

2:45 a.m., 538 MM I-10 W.- A man located a wrecked truck near Northup Park and suspected the driver may have been intoxicated.

10:06 a.m., 1000 Diamond- A stepfather called officers when his nearly 23-year-old stepson didn’t come home the night before. He had last seen him at 10 p.m. the evening prior. Officers went to the home, but the stepfather found the young man, saying it was just out of character for him to be gone all night.

8:34 p.m., 282 N. Main St.- An assault was reported at the Boerne Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Officers also conducted 21 security checks, made 15 traffic stops, assisted the public 16 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked five false alarms, two non-injury accidents, one animal call and one reckless driver.


February 28

2:24 a.m., 125 Crosspoint- A woman was woken up to her apartment neighbors yelling.

10:19 a.m., 1 Greyhound Lane- A Boerne High School student was in possession of tobacco.

11:16 a.m., 1 Greyhound Lane- Another Boerne High School student was in possession of tobacco.

2:58 p.m., 400 Rosewood- A woman wanted to report a sexual assault that occurred when she was a juvenile in Temple, Texas.

5:57 p.m., 1500 block S. Main St.- An accident involving several minors resulted in emergency services being called. It’s unclear if any major injuries were sustained as a result.

10:19 p.m., 100 block Dry Creek- A man reported his 16-year-old brother was being extremely violent and threatening to beat the f*** out of everyone. The brother was reportedly screaming and destroying a room.

Officers also conducted 35 security checks, made 15 traffic stops, assisted the public 14 times, removed four traffic hazards and worked two false alarms, one non-injury accident and two reckless drivers.


February 23

7:44 a.m., 35065 I-10 W.- A woman called 911 because Starbucks wouldn’t serve her, as they were closed due to a “threatening situation.” The lights in the building were off, but the woman was not having it.

10:15 a.m., 6 Staudt St.- A woman wanted to know the rules on firing a gun in the county.

4:31 p.m., 537 MM I-10 E.- Two individuals were arrested during a traffic stop.

9:50 p.m., 100 block FM 3351 S.- A woman reported a strong smell of gas in her home and said she has a propane tank. Bergheim volunteers responded and found no gas leak.

Deputies also made 10 traffic stops, assisted the public 10 times, served a warrant and worked five false alarms, two non-injury accidents, one animal call and two reckless drivers.

February 24

12:14 a.m., 100 block November Lane- An individual was arrested after a wife reported a drunk older couple assaulted her husband. She said a man first assaulted her husband, throwing him to the ground before the older man’s wife came outside with a knife.

3:10 p.m., 80 block Doeskin Dr.- A woman reported her license was being used to open bank accounts in her name that she didn’t approve.

3:50 p.m., 200 block River Trail- A man reported squatters were at the home and refused to leave. Turns out, they’d been living there for four years. Of the couple he wanted gone, the woman was his “granddaughter’s mother.”

4:56 p.m., Red Bird Lane- A mother reported her son confided in her, saying he was sexually assaulted when he was six- or seven-years-old in Boerne.

Deputies also made 15 traffic stops, assisted the public nine times, removed a traffic hazard and worked two false alarms, four non-injury accidents, one animal call and one reckless driver.

February 25

1:02 p.m., Winged Foot- A woman reported a leaded glass, framed window was stolen.

4:20 p.m., 545 MM I-10 W.- A man saw a woman driving 60 miles per hour in the fast lane of the interstate and thought he saw her take a swig from a bottle, speculating she may have been drunk. Deputies couldn’t locate the vehicle.

6:11 p.m., 100 block Green Kingdom Rd.- A man’s 2015 Lexus was reported stolen, and he pinged it to a location in town. However, the vehicle didn’t turn up during a search of the area.

7:38 p.m., 100 block Ocotillo- A man reported his brother was assaulted by five men, and he was hiding from the subjects in the attic and trying to remain quiet. He said an ambulance would be needed for his brother. Medics were cancelled upon arrival.

9:33 p.m., 30 block Marvil Lee Dr.- A man reported his 50-year-old daughter was in a bed with a heater turned on, noting it was very hot. He wasn’t sure if she was breathing. He said the house was a mess, and two men were huddled around her keeping the father from her. An obituary suggests the man’s daughter died Jan. 2.

11:48 p.m., 200 block River Trail- A man reported his roommate kicked his door down and could be heard yelling at his girlfriend in the background. An arrest was made, but deputies stopped at the Dove Crest bridge to adjust the subject’s handcuffs before delivering him to the jail.

Deputies also conducted a security check, made 17 traffic stops, assisted the public 15 times, removed a traffic hazard, served a warrant and worked four false alarms, two animal calls and three reckless drivers.

February 26

2:12 a.m., 400 block Hannah Lane- A man’s granddaughter left with a few of her friends, and they left their cell phones behind. He wanted to know what to do.

3:04 a.m., 900 block FM 1376- A man was arrested for driving while intoxicated after rolling his vehicle off the side of the road, hitting a fence.

11:46 a.m., 529 MM I-10 E.- A 40-foot motorhome had a smoking engine, so the passengers got out and called 911. When first responders arrived, the motorhome was fully engulfed in flames. The scene was cleared by about 2 p.m.

2:52 p.m., 400 block Hwy 46 W.- A driver saw a woman fall out of a Chevy Cobalt. They suspected the woman may have been pushed out because the male driver closed the door and drove off. The woman was last seen walking westbound on the state highway.

5:07 p.m., 300 block Hwy 46 E.- A vehicle initially refused to stop for a deputy but eventually complied. The driver was arrested, but it’s unclear for which charges landed them in the county jail.

7:13 p.m., 600 block FM 289- A couple driving in a freight liner got into a physical dispute while a four-year-old child was with them. The man claimed the woman was drunk and on prescription medication, grabbing at him and could be heard yelling. The woman then began yelling for the man to stop choking her, so he clapped so dispatch could hear his hands were not on her. When deputies arrived, the woman said she would sleep in the back of the freight truck so they could get back on the road in the morning.

11:43 p.m., 1200 block FM 473- A son called 911 when his mother told him her boyfriend pushed her to the ground and was “doing stuff with her head.” The mother was able to lock herself in her vehicle, and the son said there was an active case against the boyfriend for holding a gun to his mother’s head.

Deputies also made seven traffic stops, assisted the public 14 times, removed three traffic hazards and worked two false alarms, one non-injury accident, two animal calls and two reckless drivers.


February 27

3:20 p.m., 200 block Lone Star- A woman reported her mother was really drunk and throwing stuff around and yelling. Eventually, the woman said her stepfather was trying to get her mother in bed to sleep it off. The mother calmed down a few minutes later.

12:18 p.m., 540 MM I-10 W.- Five Mustangs were racing each other and break checking on the interstate. A deputy attempted to stop them, but they began evading and using walkie-talkies to communicate and advise each other. Eventually, a deputy issued several citations.

6:39 p.m., 100 block FM 3351 S.- A woman reported her cousin assaulted her but wouldn’t give any details. She asked that her cousin be removed from the residence.

8:12 p.m., 300 block Pecan Parkway- A man was arrested after he spat in his girlfriend’s face as she tried to gather her personal belongings. The two could be heard arguing.

8:31 p.m., 32275 I-10 E.- A man was arrested after an 18-wheeler struck a concrete wall and flipped over off the side of the interstate.

9:59 p.m., 800 block Evergreen- A woman hid in the bushes outside her house because she was afraid of a man next door. He was knocking on her neighbor’s door, beer in hand, and yelling. Turns out, he was trying to get back into his house.

Deputies also made 20 traffic stops, assisted the public five times, served a warrant and worked three false alarms, two animal calls and two reckless drivers.


February 28

12:39 p.m., 6 Staudt St.- A man went into the sheriff’s office to report his firearm was stolen.

5:35 p.m., 500 block Roosevelt- A nosy neighbor reported footprints on his neighbor’s property while she was out of town. The woman’s grandson gets dropped off at her home, and he made the footprints. No crime was committed.

8:02 p.m., Main Street and Seventh Street- It was reported a friend’s boyfriend wouldn’t let him leave the car they were both in. The friend and his boyfriend were pinging stationary at the intersection before moving north on Interstate 10.

Deputies also made 37 traffic stops, assisted the public 12 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked one false alarm, one animal call and one reckless driver.




Boerne Star