Friday, March 14, 2025 at 1:30 AM

GOP, there’s work to do before November

GOP, there’s work to do before November

The election this November is crucial for the future of our nation, dictating whether we reverse the disastrous course of the last three years and return our great nation to a path of safety, progress, opportunity and prosperity.

During Biden’s administration we’ve seen rapid inflation that has eroded the buying power of American families.

Efforts to defund the police with a soft-on-crime approach are devastating many of our cities. The open borders Biden’s created have let loose a torrent of violence, apparently without recourse.

Ignoring the rule of law, millions of illegal aliens have gained entry, including who knows how many terrorists. Finally, some Democrats, including “sanctuary city” mayors and border state congressmen, are protesting Biden’s terrible policies such as catch and release. What took them so long?

Democrats and their socialist allies in Congress have taken advantage of the COVID pandemic to radically increase the size of government. Record amounts of debt will saddle future generations of Americans, limiting their economic opportunity.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell recently said, “The U.S. is on an unsustainable fiscal path with debt growing faster than the economy.”

The radical left undermines our Constitution every chance they get. They seek to shred the 10th Amendment and the principles of federalism. The first amendment has been virtually neutered on many leftist run college campuses, which instead of promoting critical thinking embrace speech codes and trigger warnings, while banning conservative guest speakers.

The initiators of the 1960’s free speech movement at U.C. Berkley must be turning over in their graves.

Biden has taken us from energy independence to a dependence on foreign nations such as Venezuela, a Socialist nation hostile to our national interests. Some Democrats have finally woken up, albeit partially, asking Biden to refocus his policies on the export of liquefied natural gas.

Radical leftists seek to indoctrinate our nation’s youth with anti-American diatribes. Instead of opening schools during the pandemic so that children could learn, leftist cities sought to rename schools honoring many of our nation’s greatest leaders, including Presidents Lincoln and Washington.

Biden seeks to reinstitute the Iranian nuclear deal, lifting sanctions which have only enriched Iran and allowed them to support terrorists throughout the Middle East.

Sadly, some Republicans spend too much time attacking each other when we should be focusing on defeating the radical left that has hijacked the Biden administration.

Let’s focus on Republican Party principles and why they will benefit America.

1. A strong economy built by eliminating excessive regulations, unnecessary government programs, having sensible taxation policies, and promoting opportunity for all through a helping hand-up as opposed to leftist welfare handouts.

2. A safe nation ensured by a strong military and a peace-through-strength philosophy. Leftist radicals are attempting to remake our military into a “woke social service organization” instead of giving it the tools needed to keep our nation safe.

3. A future built on freedom. We are reminded of Ronald Reagan’s quote, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

4. Freedom of speech and religion. Protect our precious first amendment and Bill of Rights. The radical left does not favor freedom of religion, but rather freedom from religion.

5. An accountable government limiting the authority of an unelected fourth estate dominated by affluent Beltway liberals who feel they know what is best for the common folk in “flyover country,” be it parents, small business owners, or people of faith.

Let’s not sit back and wait for others to do the work. We must all involve ourselves in volunteer efforts to save our country and turn things around from the disastrous policies of one of the most, if not the most, incompetent administrations in American history.

We are blessed to live in America. It is worth fighting for. Let’s get to work.




Boerne Star