Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 12:09 PM

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Champion H.S. Student Comments

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Champion H.S. Student Comments

Champion sophomore Vianna Trapasso said she was in her American Sign Language class when the lockdown began. 

“We just stayed in the classroom. The lights were off, and we all just stayed quiet,” Trapasso said. 

Trapasso said students were then escorted to the auditorium before administration posted a schedule for the rest of the day. 

Freshman Isis Peart was nervous and unsure what was going to happen next once the lockdown began. 

“I was crying, because I didn’t know what was going on,” Peart said. “I heard all these rumors about active shootings, bombs and everything else. I didn’t know how to feel about anything.” 

Her brother, sophomore K.J. Peart, was in chemistry class when the lockdown began. 

“For about two hours we were in the classroom with the lights off. Then they escorted us out of class, to go to the auditorium.” 

Although the Champion staff members he saw “were calm and handled their business,” seeing police officers in the hall was a different story. 

“I saw police walking through the building,” K.J. Peart said. “That was really scary ... because they had guns and stuff, and I didn’t know if they were going to have to use it, or anything.” 


Vadim Goeke 02/01/2024 09:59 AM
OMG THIS generation has no idea how to handle themselves in a dangerous situation. YOU FIGHT BACK

Boerne Star
