Editor: I wanted to take a minute to recognize an amazing group of teenagers here in Boerne who volunteered their time for the first-ever Boerne Little League Softball Clinic.
Both Champion High School and Boerne High School’s softball teams came together and put together an amazing camp on Jan. 18 for more than 50 girls, ranging in age from kindergarten to sixth grade.
They took their love of the sport and made it even more exciting and accessible to these young girls. They were patient, encouraging and most importantly fun, all while teaching them new skills. We as parents and coaches can help these girls, but when someone who is so much cooler and actually plays the sport right now, takes the time to come to their level and give their time, it makes these young girls feel so special and empowered before the season begins.
In this day and age it is hard to find good role models for our young women, and these players gave them young women they can look up to.
Thank you, coach Bethany Holtorf, coach Chester Pettibon and both the Boerne High School and Champion High School softball programs for all your hard work and for taking the time to ensure these players fall further in love with this sport.
— Alicia Clark Boerne resident