The Hill Country Council for the Arts and the Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild created a great Community project for us -- Stuff the Stockings For the third year, these two organizations combined forces to create custom stockings, and stuff them full of personal items for some deserving women in the community.
On December 11, the stockings were delivered to the Kendall County Women’s Shelter and the Hill Country Pregnancy Center. The children are covered through other wonderful programs in the area, so we decided to pamper the moms and women.
The stockings were stuffed with goodies donated from local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individual community donors.
We are thankful for generous donations from Kendall County Roofing; Vintage Reconstruction; Penguin Suits Advertising Agency; Majestic Ranch Arts Foundation; Great Clips; Zen Den Massage, and Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries.
This year we were able to provide Stuffed Stockings to 150 deserving moms and women, in hopes of providing a bit of Christmas cheer. We intend to continue forward with the Stocking Stuffer project.
To contribute next year, and to make donations easier, we accept cash donations. You can Sponsor a stocking with a $100 donation by sending your check to HCCArts, c/o Stocking Stuffer Program, P.O. Box 2024, Boerne, Texas 78006; or by going to the website, www.hccarts.org, and donate online. All donations are tax deductible.
Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild is a community of Quilters and fiber artists who gather for friendship, sewing, and developing creative sewing techniques. They promote and advance the art of quilting by exchanging
ideas in all aspects of quilting, as well as supporting the community with charitable quilts, service projects and events.
We are grateful to members of the Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild, a 501/c-3 nonprofit organization, for painstakingly cutting out and sewing these holiday stockings for each and every woman and mom. Refer to www.cibolocreekquiltersguild. com for the CCQG schedule of programs and workshops 2024.
HCCArts is a 501/c nonprofitfit, and recognized by Americans for the Arts Business pARTnership Movement, partnering with local and Hill Country businesses to promote the arts in the Texas Hill Country.
Programs include performance arts, visual decorative and fine arts, music, dance, and literary arts. The focus is to enhance community awareness, develop opportunities for involvem ent, encourage individual and corp orate support, and to develop a long-range plan for promoting the arts within the 19 counties of Texas Hill Country. For details refer to www.hccarts. org.
Leather class set in January
HCCArts presents Introduction to Basic Leather Stamping, a mini-workshop with Lew Pewterbaugh, Saturday, January 13, from 1-4 p.m. at The Classroom at the AgriCultural Museum, 102 City Park Road in Boerne.
Pewterbaugh has been doing leather work for more than 40 years, and made everything from key rings to saddles, and is presently making mule equipment and restoring antique saddles.
In this class, you will learn to do basket stamping, and finish with a border stamp. You will learn to prep the leather, how to plan your pattern, how to properly use your stamps and mallet, and how to finish your border edge.
This will prepare you to take on a craft project such as a wallet, checkbook cover, or a phone case. Class size limited, supplies included; $85. Register today, www.hccarts. org, or send inquiries to president@ hccarts.org.
