Thursday, November 28, 2024 at 8:59 PM

The Cibolo issues thanks for 35 years of celebrating nature


The Cibolo Center for Conservation has celebrated its 35th year as your nature center.

Since 1988, we have had a strong history of environmental success and growth, and this year has been a testament to the power of collaboration, dedication, and the enduring support of our vibrant community.

The Cibolo has achieved remarkable feats that are only possible because of staff and friends truly committed to our cause.

At the beginning of the year, our organization proudly received The Lone Star Land Steward Award, a prestigious recognition that highlights our unwavering dedication to land conservation and stewardship.

This accomplishment serves as a powerful validation of the significance and resonance of our mission to safeguard and preserve the natural beauty and resources of our region.

During the summer, our education department worked tirelessly to receive national ACA accreditation for our annual Summer Camp, a testament to their commitment to providing a safe and educational haven for the young conservationists of the future.

Just last month, the city of Boerne received the 2023 Public Works Award from the Texas Municipal League for the Water Dashboard, a project in which we played a significant role in developing.

This recognition showcases our organization’s full-spectrum approach to environmentalism that encompasses land conservation, regional policy and planning, and collaborative efforts to enhance sustainability and public awareness both at the local and national levels.

These major achievements occurred alongside our usual programs and initiatives, like The Nest Nature Preschool, our year-round Farmers Market, educational classes for homeschool students and their families, field trips, wildlife research, and more.

As we reflect on these milestones, we thank our neighbors, friends, and partners for making each of these possible. We are excited for the opportunities and accomplishments to come in 2024, though we know we will still need the continued support and energy from the community that we have received over the past 35 years.

If you are able to do so, we invite you to participate in year-end giving, and donate to a cause at The Cibolo that is meaningful to you. Giving Tuesday is just around the corner and a great opportunity to donate.

Please follow us on social media or visit us online at to find out how you can continue fostering environmental education, conservation, and community here in the heart of Boerne.




Boerne Star
