Question logic behind school voucher opposition
Editor: I take exception to the recent Progressive Views opinion on school vouchers. Many of the statements need to be verified.
I provided the following after investigating the statement that it does not help working families and only lines the pockets of ultrawealthy campaign donors.
According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the percentage distribution of students by parental income is as follows: Less than $20,000: 17% public schools; 17% charter schools; 16% private schools.
$20,000-$50,000: 28% public schools; 31% charter schools; 23% private schools.
$50,000-$100,000: 29% public schools; 30% charter schools; 33% private schools.
More than $100,000: 26% public schools; 23% charter schools; 35% private schools.
It is important to note that the above data is from the year 2019 and may not be up to date.
Also, the data does not provide information on the income distribution of parents who send their children to both private and public schools.
I encourage everyone to investigate the other claims prior to forming an opinion on this important issue. Our children need to attend the best schools and parents, not the government, should make the choice.
Ray C. Boone Jr. Boerne resident
Voucher proposal: Paying private education with public dollars
Editor: Every time the Texas Legislature meets, school districts express their concern for more funding for public education, only to be told the money isn’t there or there just isn’t enough.
Now Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is calling a special session to deal with a voucher proposal which means some of your tax dollars will be used to pay for some kid to attend a private school.
My question is, where did this extra money all of a sudden come from?
Or is the plan that the money for public education will just be reduced, to be able to pay for someone’s private education?
You have a choice; if you want to send your child to a private school that’s on you. Don’t ask me to pay for it.
Richard Caldwell Boerne resident