Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 9:12 PM

Boerne Jewish congregation receiving calls of support

BY JEFF B. FLINN Managing Editor

Boerne Jewish congregation receiving calls of support

Rabbi Yosef Marrus has received dozens of calls from members of the Boerne community, Jewish and otherwise, asking what can be done following Saturday's attacks on Israel by Hamas terrorists, and Israel’s responsive declaration of war.

More than 900 Israelites were killed and thousands injured in the coordinated surprise attack on Simchat torah, a Jewish holiday that celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle.

“We see this for what it is. It’s atrocities of which the world has not seen since World War II,” Marrus said. “More Jewish people were murdered in one day, which we have not seen since WW II,” referring to the discovery of German concentration camps and the Holocaust.

“I was born right after the Yom Kippur War. So this is very reminiscent, being on the Holy Day,” the rabbi said. “And it’s shocking to me. Innocent people burned, being raped, decapitated … the atrocities, we were speechless. This is extremism, this is an ideology of death.”

Marrus, who returned to Boerne after a weekend trip out of town to celebrate Simchat torah with others, said the calls involved friends and family members “wanting to go back and fight” as the Israeli forces have called up a half-million reserves in the war effort.

“After the first 48 hours of chaos, the Israel forces have reestablished the border,” Marrus said.

“And I’m getting calls, ‘I’m not Jewish, but I want you to know we support you; what can I do? What do we need to do?’” he said.

His advice – Stay positive, keep the faith, and believe in the power of God.

“We encourage people to reach out, give inspiration, and … remind people, let's not lose sight of the truth, and what is right and just,” he said. “We need to stay positive. Believing as a religious man, we must have absolute faith in God.”

Marrus said his message to those of the Jewish faith, is “resolve.”

“My message -- We have to dig deep, we need to stand up,” he said. “We’ve always said, ‘never again,’ and that’s right now,” he said, adding, “There is only one goal: We stand together for the only Jewish state, and nothing will deter us. Nothing.”

He said the attacks are a wakeup call not only for America’s Jewish population, but for all Americans.

“This is a message for all of us to wake up. In their eyes, Israel is the little Satan, and America is the great Satan,” he said. “This is what hate is, this is what absolute terrorism is.”

He said many who have called have expressed confusion on how to respond – with an iron fist, or with God’s love.

“We are a people of faith, of the book,” he said. “We believe in helping others, being positive and reaching out with love. When something like this happens, it’s hard to remain positive, but we must.”




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