Monday, March 31, 2025 at 3:21 PM

Huizenga chosen as Fair Oak Ranch city manager

BY JEFF B. FLINN Managing Editor

Huizenga chosen as Fair Oak Ranch city manager

Fair Oaks Ranch City Council made it official Thursday, removing the word “interim” from in front of the city manager title before Scott Huizenga’s name.

Huizenga, named Fair Oak’s interim city manager in April, was the unanimous pick of council to fulfill the city manager role. The council emerged from an Oct. 19 three-hour executive session to announce Huizenga was their choice as new city manager.

“In all honesty, I am satisfied with the (selection) process, and appreciate the confidence the council has expressed in me,” he said on Friday.

Assistant city manager since his arrival in Fair Oaks Ranch in December 2021, Huizenga stepped into the interim role when council accepted the resignation of former City Manager Tobin Maples.

“My long-term ambition had been to remain serving the city of Fair Oaks Ranch, since I got here two years ago,” Huizenga said. “Whether that was as interim, or in my prior as assistant city manager, I just want to stay here.”

He said he appreciates the council’s “vote of confidence” in his and his staff’s handling of city affairs.

“This just gives me and the rest of the team the opportunity to continue to focus on, and to develop, our strategic plan,” he said. “I also want to focus on staff development, and we need to update our emergency management planning and operation.”




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