Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 2:03 AM

Turn-lane on Esser to aid traffic flow

BY JEFF B. FLINN Managing Editor

Turn-lane on Esser to aid traffic flow

The city of Boerne finished restriping a stretch of South Esser Road between Blanco and River Road to add a continuous center turn lane along one of the city’s busiest roads.

The striping coincided with recent street rehabilitation on the road traveled by more than 13,000 drivers every day.

Drivers will notice the new turn lane is wider than the two travel lanes. This is by design, according to Chris Shadrock, city director of communications.

Facilities for the city’s utilities and engineering and mobility offices, along with the Boerne School District transportation office, are on this stretch of Esser Road. Shadrock said the wider turn lane allows the space necessary for large vehicles like utility trucks and school buses to safely turn without causing traffic to stop behind them.

The travel lanes were narrowed, by design, to compel drivers to slow down and address speeding concerns by neighbors along this heavily trafficked part of town while still being able to safely travel on the road.

The newly installed center-turn lane on Esser Road is designed to keep traffic flowing along one of the city’s busiest roads. Courtesy Photo

“As we learned during the three years the community- led transportation committee met, there are a lot of simple ways to safely and efficiently improve the flow of traffic,” Jeff Carroll, engineering and mobility director, said. “Though it might take some time to adjust to the new design, the data backs up the work that was done.”

The project was listed among the short-term recommendations proposed by the Kendall County, Boerne, and Fair Oaks Transportation Committee (KCBFOTC), which wrapped up its years-long work in 2022.

The Esser Road restriping is also listed in the city’s Mobility Master Plan (MMP) as one of 18 road enhancement projects identified as opportunities to alleviate congestion, reduce travel times, and improve safety.

The MMP also lists 20 intersection improvement projects and 11 bicycle and pedestrian projects.

“I’m glad to see our engineering and mobility department continue to not only advance our city’s master plans, but the hard work of the KCBFOTC,” City Manager Ben Thatcher said. “By working strategically and efficiently, we will continue to check off recommendations to serve the community well.”

The city’s 2024 budget includes funding for other road improvements, including: Scenic Loop Road widening, from city limit to I-10: Adler Road widening, funded by the 2022 bond project; Johns Road intersection improvements (2022 bond); Reconstruction of Parkway, Kronkosky, West Blanco and Shooting Club (2022 bond); and sidewalk improvements on Main Street and Oak Park.

For details on other city of Boerne capital improvement and bond election projects, go to: https:// City-Projects.




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