Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 2:27 AM

Fair Oaks Ranch councilwoman resigns

BY JEFF B. FLINN Managing Editor

Fair Oaks Ranch City Councilwoman Michelle Bliss informed the city of her intentions to resign from council during its Sept. 21 meeting.

City Manager Scott Huizenga said Bliss announced she was leaving the post immediately, due to concerns for her husband’s health condition, wanting to spend more time with him and on his care.

Bliss was first elected to the Place 3 seat in a special election in 2021 and was elected to a full council term in 2022. Her departure leaves 2½ years on the threeyear term, set to expire in 2025.

Huizenga said the city will hold a special election to fill the Place 3 at-large seat. He targeted early in December or January in hopes of avoiding the holiday season.

State law requires the city to fill the post within 120 days of the effective resignation date, which was Sept. 22.

The city is likely to declare the vacancy and the date for a special election during its Oct. 19 meeting. Dates will then be set for the candidate filing period to open, possibly in late October, he added.




Boerne Star