Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 4:31 PM


Speak up on Paxton allegations

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been impeached for actions that go against Texas values, both personally and professionally.

Despite the serious threats to House members before their vote on impeachment, a substantial bipartisan majority – including a large majority of Republicans – voted in favor of impeachments. They saw the facts about Paxton’s past and ongoing issues, and we believe they made the right decision.

Notably, Paxton’s defenders are spending millions of dollars for a massive media campaign to paint Paxton as a conservative hero and denounce all the charges against him as politically motivated and unsubstantiated – a transparent effort to deceive the voters and intimidate members of the Senate.

An updated list of misdeeds, allegations and lawsuits casting a new light on the quality of his character can be found on these informative and easy-to-digest resources: https://paxtonimpeachment.

com We ask you to read the truth about Ken Paxton, and then urge your state senator to hear the evidence and then vote for the truth, not for political gain.

Let your voice be heard, and let our representatives know that we stand by their side as they make this difficult but essential decision to do the right thing.

Our future depends on leaders who are willing to put their constituents first, even in the face of potential repercussions from lobbyists and big-money interests.

Just north of the state Capitol, on the southern façade of Texas Main Building (the Tower) is engraved, “Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Will Make You Free (John 8:32).” These words remind us that our freedom is dependent upon our commitment to understand and follow the truth wherever it leads.

Contact your state senator today and ask him or her to “do the right thing for Texas.”

David Simpson Former Texas state representative Dr. John Coppedge Founder, Texas Bipartisan Justice Committee




Boerne Star