Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 12:49 AM

Sheriff’s Reports

Kendall County Sheriff’s Office

Kendall County Sheriff’s Office


9:07 a.m., 800 Block of N. FM 3351 – A caller wanted to report theft of mail.

10:32 a.m., Zinfadel – A caller reported he was concerned his cat had been exposed to a skunk who had taken up residency under the caller’s porch.

11:11 a.m., 100 Block of Oak Bluff Blvd. – A caller reported that she was concerned someone she had hired had abandoned a stolen trailer on the caller’s proper ty. Law enforcement came to the location and found there were no license plates or VIN on the trailer.

12:07 p.m., Hwy 87 – A caller reported that business checks were stolen from a residence in Jourdanton. The caller had received an angry, threatening phone call from someone who had received one of the fraudulent checks. The proper jurisdiction was notified.

7:50 p.m., 500 Block of Waring- Welfare Rd – A longhorn had decided to go for an evening stroll but was deterred by the heat.


3: 15 a. m., 600 Block of W. Bandera – A caller reported two intoxicated males. One of the males was detained and placed in the back of the patrol car. The other male took off running and was found urinating on the building.

9:33 a.m., Oakland Hills – A concerned mother repor ted that her daughter was speaking with multiple people online. The mother was concerned that her daughter was being scammed or groomed.

9:44 a.m., 100 Block of Ulmus – A woman called in to report harassment by her ex-husband. The caller’s protective order against the husband had just expired. The caller wanted to document that the ex-husband was coming to the caller’s place of employment, and calling her clients.

11:54 a.m., 100 Block of Eagle Court – A caller reported a work vehicle had been stolen. The caller provided dispatch with the name of who they suspected stole the vehicle.

1: 29 p. m., Shady Oak Lane – A caller reported a male had just trespassed on his property. The male walked away but left beer cans, trash, and a tent on the caller’s property. The male was given a criminal trespass warning.

11:26 p.m., 200 Block of Bluebonnet Drive – A caller reported a break-in had occurred, but the caller was unsure of when. The caller was further concerned because her dog was either stolen or had run away from the location. It was discovered that a flap by a window air conditioning unit had been moved in order to gain access to the location.

11:34 p.m., 600 Block of Front St. – A caller reported a loose blue pit viper snake. The caller explained to dispatch that the snake attempted biting the caller, but he had avoided being bitten.


12: 32 a. m., N. Hwy 87 – An employee at the location reported that he was getting threatening texts from his ex-husband.

10:50 a.m., 100 Block of Riverwood – A caller reported a male was walking around the area, flipping off vehicles driving by, and yelling at people. Law enforcement contacted the male, but he refused to identify himself. At that time, the caller was not doing anything criminal but did appear to be irritated.

10:51 a.m., 100 Block of Cool Rock – A caller reported that his ex-wife kept harassing him and showing up at his house. The caller was looking for advice on how to handle the matter.

12:07 p.m., Staudt St – A woman reported that a man had shown up at her door and offered to resurface her driveway. Due to the woman’s financial situation, she declined. The woman said the man showed up the next day, requesting the woman’s car keys. He said he needed to move the woman’s vehicle because he had unilaterally decided to resurface her driveway and her vehicle was blocking him from completing the job. The woman paid the man for the job but said he did a horrible job and wanted the situation documented.

12:18 p.m., 300 Block of Marquardt Road – A caller reported that her new card had been stolen from her mailbox. Whoever had stolen the card had activated it and used it. She had already cancelled the card but wanted the matter documented.


3:09 a.m., 100 Block of Tower Road – A caller reported a dark vehicle driving down their water well road. The caller temporarily lost sight of the vehicle but then saw it exiting via the caller’s main gate. The caller noted to dispatch that the driver was wearing a reflective vest. Friends of the caller came to the location, and everything seemed OK.

5:59 p.m., 100 Block of Esperanza – An employee reported a male who was at the location, taking pictures of women and children in the pool area. The caller told dispatch that the male left on foot and likely got into a vehicle and drove away.

6:05 p.m., 100 Block of Eagle Court – A caller reported that his sister had been harassed and possibly drugged by a male. The male had a backpack and had damaged the sister’s front door, leaving a busted door frame and holes in the door. The caller also suspected the male had a drug problem.

8:02 p.m., 300 Block of May Lane – A caller wanted to make a report regarding her Facebook account being hacked. The caller claimed to know the woman who scammed her.

8:38 p.m., 1500 Block of S. Main – A single vehicle rollover accident occurred. Despite the vehicle being upside down, the occupant was able to get out of the vehicle. They reported having sustained a possible concussion. Multiple callers reported the accident. The road had to temporarily be shut down.


12:00 a.m., 200 Block of Post Oak St. – A caller reported that a neighbor’s dog got out and attacked the caller’s dog in their backyard. The caller did not know who the attacking dog belonged to.

12:17 a.m., 300 Block of FM 1376 – A concerned caller reported a suspicious trailer. The caller was unsure how long the trailer had been there. Law enforcement found that the trailer was on private property and not blocking traffic.

9:13 a.m., 10000 Block of North Creek Road – A hospital patient reported they had been bitten by a disgruntled kitten.

10:21 a.m., 1800 Block of FM 1376 – A motorcycle accident was reported. The driver reported experiencing lower back and leg pain. EMS services were provided. Multiple individuals called in, wanting to report what they had witnessed.

4:50 p.m., 300 Block of Mill Dam Road – A caller reported that a raccoon was asleep on the caller’s back porch. The caller was concerned because the raccoon did not appear to be acting normally, not reacting when a dog barked at it.

5:37 p.m., 100 Block of City Lake – An employee reported two males fighting at the lake before being separated. Everything appeared to be copacetic until two girls from the same group began fighting. One of the initial males got involved, in addition to one of the party’s fathers. Law enforcement came to the location and began clearing the area, with no vehicles being allowed entry. After the disruptive party had been removed, entrance to the lake resumed.


7:25 a.m., 100 Block of Cedar Court – A caller reported that her husband’s ex-wife began contacting the caller on her cell phone and at her job. The caller had blocked the phone number but wanted to document the matter.

9:27 a.m., 29000 Block of W I-10 – A concerned caller reported her dog was missing. The caller said she had a bloodhound tracker come to the location and tracked it to a certain property. The caller was worried the property owners had possibly harmed the dogs. Law enforcement was unsuccessful in contacting the property owner.




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