Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 12:45 AM


LAW ENFORCEMENT The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or

LAW ENFORCEMENT The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or



2:31 a.m., 100 Blk City Lake – A security guard called in to report a suspicious vehicle. The guard also noted that there was an individual looking around with a flashlight. Law enforcement discovered that the subject was just doing some late-night fishing.

8:55 a.m., River/Cottonwood – A caller reported that their identity had been stolen. The call disconnected before the report could be taken. Law enforcement was able to make in person contact with the individual to take down the rest of the information.

11:12 a.m., 1300 Blk S Main – A caller reported witnessing a woman pushing her cart in the parking lot and get hit by a vehicle. The vehicle proceeded to drive off. The caller refused EMS services. The vehicle who hit the woman was located in the parking lot by law enforcement.

11:34 a.m., 1500 Blk S Main – A caller reported that while they were driving, they were hit by a large RV which then drove off. Luckily, no injuries resulted; however, the caller did get the RV’s license plate.

12:34 p.m., 300 Blk N Main – A caller reported that his toolbox was stolen from the back of his truck.

3:58 p.m., 600 Blk N School – A concerned resident reported that there was a male sitting in her driveway who had rung her doorbell multiple times and wouldn’t leave. The caller was home alone with her son and was concerned as she didn’t recognize the male or the vehicle.


10:15 a.m., 100 Blk Old San Antonio Rd – A minor called in to report an assault that had occurred the prior evening.

1:06 p.m., 100 Blk Whisper Way – A caller reported their AirPods had been stolen and they had successfully tracked the location. The caller was requesting assistance from law enforcement in handling the matter.

2:39 p.m., Main/Theissen – A caller reported that a truck towing a trailer had hit the caller’s vehicle and had driven off. The caller told dispatch where the vehicle was headed.

4:30 p.m., 33000 Blk W I-10 – A company came in to report that a work laptop and an old wallet had been stolen from their location. The items had been stolen months prior. The individual did not want to file a theft report but wanted to see if the department had the items in their custody.

4:56 p.m., 100 Blk Del Mar – A caller reported that a male who had been soliciting earlier in the day was now sitting on the curb across from the caller’s house.

7:12 p.m., 1500 Blk S Main – A caller reported that he suspected two males were attempting to steal from the store. The males were with a female who had stolen the week prior. As the caller was speaking with dispatch, the individuals left the location. The caller noted to dispatch that he did not see the males steal anything.


7:35 a.m., 100 Blk First – A caller reported that an aggressive dog belonging to one of his neighbors had tried to attack him. Animal Control came to the location and spoke with the owner of the dog.

8:51 a.m., Bandera/I-10 – A two vehicle accident occurred. One of the drivers requested EMS services for shoulder pain. A wrecker was needed for one of the vehicles.

9:23 a.m., 100 Blk Gallant Fox – A caller reported that a male had attempted opening her apartment with a key, 15 minutes prior to the call.

9:27 a.m., 600 Blk W Bandera – A caller reported a suspicious vehicle with a man and woman inside. The caller noted the vehicle had no license p l a t e . The caller sus pected the vehicle was selling stolen goods out of their vehicle.

11:35 a.m., 1000 Blk Diamond – A caller reported that a male was trespassing on their property. Law enforcement came to the location and found the male was asking people for cigarettes. The male was detained.


8:06 a.m., 400 Blk W Bandera Rd – A caller reported a dog had been left in a parked vehicle with the windows all the way up. While waiting for assistance, the owner came back to the vehicle.

11:07 a.m., 100 Blk Sage Canyon – A caller reported that her parents had received a scam call telling them to go to a hotel in San Antonio.

12:32 p.m., Bandera/E I-10 – A caller reported their vehicle was hit by an unknown vehicle. The other vehicle then drove off. No injuries were sustained in the accident.

2:21 p.m., 100 Blk Dovetail – A resident called in requesting information regarding the legality of drones flying over his property.

4:21 p.m., 1600 Blk River – A caller reported they had purchased food at a gas station and then was charged an additional $74 after they had left the location. The caller provided dispatch with additional information regarding the purchase and card information.

4:59 p.m., 35000 Blk W I-10 – A caller reported their vehicle had been broken into in the two hours prior to them calling. The caller reported that some power tools and possibly some children’s toys had been stolen.

7:20 p.m., 1500 Blk S Main – A caller reported that they had witnessed someone doing an oil change in the parking lot and had dumped the oil in the street. The individual then began yelling at the caller for contacting law enforcement. Because the oil was in the street, Boerne FD was contacted.


1:52 a.m., 400 Blk Rosewood – A caller reported hearing yelling from an apartment that had its door wide open. While on the phone with dispatch, the yelling stopped but the caller still requested that law enforcement check the area.

12:18 p.m., 400 Blk W Bandera Rd – A manager reported that $400 worth of groceries had been stolen from the location thirty minutes prior.

7:02 p.m., School/Johns – A caller reported a male in the bed of a pickup truck who was videotaping houses as he drove by. The caller was concerned that the male was scoping out the neighborhood. Law enforcement made contact with the vehicle.

9:52 p.m., 543MM W I-10 – A vehicle accident occurred. A vehicle hit the barriers and spun out, damaging both sides of their vehicle. The vehicle then hit another vehicle. TxDOT had to be notified as over 100 yards damage had been done.


7:48 a.m., 1600 Blk River – A caller reported that they were rearended by a vehicle. The caller reported that they were not injured; however, the other vehicle had driven off. The caller had taken pictures of the other vehicle, but the license plate was not discernible. 10:43 p.m., 200 Blk Old San Antonio – A caller reported multiple people who appeared to be under the influence of drugs. One of the males got into one of the employee’s faces, and said he was doing acid. One of the individuals appeared to be passed out. EMS was contacted and an ambulance was called to the scene for the individual. The male ran to his vehicle in the parking lot. The individual was transported in an ambulance.

10:41 p.m., 100 Blk Katie Court – A minor called in to report that an unknown individual was going to post nude pictures of him that had been sent on social media.

11:10 p.m., 600 Blk W Bandera Rd – An employee called in to report two customers at the location that were creeping him out. The caller noted that it seemed like the individuals were paying a lot of attention to the cash register.



12:08 a.m., 400 Blk Fifth St – A caller was concerned after hearing a noise that sounded like someone walking on her back deck. She explained that the light wouldn’t stay on, but it sounded like the individual was pacing back and forth. Law enforcement came to the location and did not see anyone there but did notice a deer who may have been causing the mischief.

1:59 a.m., 531 MM E I-10 – A semitruck was reported to be fully engulfed in flames, with the fire originating near the fuel tank. Both lanes of the interstate were temporarily shut down. Boerne FD responded to the scene and reported that it was the back of the truck that was on fire. The fire was successfully extinguished.

9:10 a.m., 500 Blk Alamo Rd – A caller reported internet fraud. The caller reported that she was attempting to renew her husband’s license but went to the incorrect website. From there, the caller was directed to purchase a fraudulent $500 security system, got locked out of her email account, and her computer was remotely accessed by the scammers.

10:51 a.m., 100 Blk N Stonegate – A caller was concerned about the wellbeing of a raccoon who was walking around her yard in circles.

3:02 p.m., 532 MM W I-10 – OnStar reported a vehicle had been stolen and they had taken certain security measures to delay the thief. Law enforcement quickly located the vehicle and detained the individuals.


10:08 a.m., 100 Blk Amber Dr – A caller reported their vehicle had been broken into during the night. The caller informed dispatch that the steering column had been broken.

12:09 p.m., 100 Blk Cibolo Ridge Trail – A caller reported a male with a cardboard sign who was hanging out around the neighborhood mailboxes. When law enforcement showed up, they could not locate the male.

7:22 p.m., 100 Blk Arrowhead Lane – A caller reported a vehicle that was driving fast up and down the road, doing donuts before leaving the subdivision. The caller noted to dispatch that it was teenagers in the vehicle. An additional two callers reported the vehicle.

8:11 p.m., 1000 Blk Front St – A caller reported a male broke into his store and then left the premises. The caller explained to dispatch that the male had been sleeping there at night, so the caller had changed the locks.


2:56 a.m., 1000 Blk Front St – A caller reported people breaking in. The caller told dispatch how he had turned off the air conditioning earlier; however, it was now back on. Additionally, the caller said they were throwing rocks at his door. The caller spoke with another individual on the property, who was closer to the incident, and they said they didn’t hear anything and everything was okay.

3:16 a.m., 100 Blk Escalera – A concerned caller reported a vehicle that was driving backwards towards the neighborhood’s main entryway. It was discovered that the driver was the newspaper guy.

6:37 a.m., 1300 Blk N Main – An individual on a motorcycle was reported to be going 5MPH and would not let the caller pass. Both vehicles ended up on the interstate where the caller reported that the motorcycle was cutting off vehicles and brake-checking them. The caller said the motorcycle went from doing 45MPH to doing 110MPH and then exiting the interstate.

9:58 a.m., N Hwy 87 – A caller reported that a female was knocking on her door a couple minutes prior to her calling and was still on the premises. The caller said she would punch her next time she came to the caller’s room. Law e n f o r c e m e n t ca m e to the l o c a t i o n , but the female had already


2:05 p.m., Staudt St – A caller reported receiving 23 credit cards at her house that did not have her name on them and were issued to people she didn’t know.


7:21 a.m., 100 Blk Waring-Welfare Rd – A very disgruntled caller reported bicycle riders were taking up both lanes of the roadway and she could not pass them. The caller was upset with the event that was occurring and noted to dispatch that she would be speaking with her commissioner.

8:03 a.m., 100 Blk Juniper – A caller requested assistance with a trapped armadillo.

9:20 a.m., Bluebonnet/Wagon Wheel Dr – A caller reported two German Shepherds and a goat who came running into the neighborhood from the highway. The caller noted that it seemed like the animals had been scared and were running away. The caller called back to inform dispatch male stopped by and said the animals were his.

4:36 p.m., 100 Blk Live Oak Pass – A caller requested assistance with a large snake that was four to five feet long! Apparently, the heat outdoors wasn’t enough for this snake who decided to hide out in the caller’s oven drawer.

8:34 p.m., 100 Blk Ulmus Rd – A caller reported her husband had been drinking and then left the house in the caller’s vehicle. The caller told dispatch that she didn’t want him to know it was her who called. Law enforcement located the individual and he was placed in jail.

9:27 p.m., 400 Blk River – A caller reported customers harassing the employees. The caller suspected the customers may be intoxicated. Law enforcement came to the location and EMS was needed for a male bleeding from his face.


8:28 a.m., 100 Blk Herff – A woman flagged down a deputy to give him a donation check for the Sherriff’s Department.

9:05 a.m., 538 MM W I-10 – A single vehicle accident occurred involving the vehicle flipping over. EMS was contacted. The vehicle was in the center median of the interstate, on its wheels.

9:11 a.m., Alzafar Rd – An RV was reported to be on fire. Boerne FD, Sisterdale FD and Bergheim FD responded to the scene. An ambulance was initially called but was cleared to leave. The fire was successfully extinguished.

10:19 a.m., 1100 Blk FM 1376 – A suspicious caller reported an elderly male who the caller believed was attempting to break into an abandoned house. It was discovered that the male worked for the property owner and was attempting to complete a task for him.

4:05 p.m., 100 Blk Rolling View Dr – A caller reported their Amazon package had been stolen. It said it was delivered to the mailbox, but it was not there. The caller explained to dispatch that she had to make a report if she wanted a refund.

6:13 p.m., 100 Blk Brookview Dr – A property manager reported that someone had placed a padlock on a gate chain at a property he managed. The caller did not know who placed the lock. The caller disclaimed that he had not been to the property in six months and was unsure when it was placed there. 11:35 p.m., 400 Blk Sixth St – A minor called in to report that she had received a message on social media that if she did not send inappropriate pictures, the individual would burn her house down.


8:03 a.m., 400 Blk Pecan Parkway – A caller reported that she had received harassing phone calls and text messages. The caller was assisting extra patrol due to strange voicemails she had received.

9:05 a.m., Mancha Lane – A caller reported that someone was going along and dumping trash by a construction site.

10:37 a.m., 100 Blk Whitworth – A caller reported harassment by her ex-husband. She told dispatch that she had a restraining order against her ex-husband, and he was sending naked pictures of her to other people.

1:31 p.m., 100 Blk N Wagon Wheel Dr – A caller reported that two males were fighting with her husband in the middle of the road. The caller explained that her husband had gone over to ask them to turn down their music and a physical fight had begun. One of the males was reported to be bleeding from their head – EMS was contacted.

2:14 p.m., 900 Blk E Hwy 46 – A manger reported that juvenile males had come into her store the prior day and stole alcohol from the location.

10:08 p.m., 100 Blk S Wagon Wheel Dr – A caller reported that she had received a late-night visit from a giant rat. The caller did not appreciate the visit and requested assistance in removing the unwelcome visitor.






Boerne Star