Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 4:32 PM

Featured “Get Fit Month” programs at the Library

Lyn Belisle is an amazing San Antonio artist and aromatherapist.

Lyn Belisle is an amazing San Antonio artist and aromatherapist.

When I recently asked her how she became interested in aromatherapy, she told me, “When I was a child, my father, who was an Air Force officer, was stationed in England. I was fascinated by the cottage herb gardens there and the medicinal properties of traditional plants. This became a lifelong interest.

“I heard about how those plants were used for essential oils in Aromatherapy from a woman named Jeanne Rose in the 1980’s and ended up with an Aromatherapist certification from the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy in 1989. Workshops in Aromatherapy were rare in Texas at that time, but I started teaching about the practical uses of essential plant oils and people responded enthusiastically.

“Several years later, in a conversation with good friend and biochemistry professor Bill Kurtin, I learned that much research had been done on essential oils in the 1920’s and that it had lapsed somewhat but was having a revival in the scientific community.

“This piece added the accountability factor to the workshops, the science- based evidence. It confirmed the effectiveness of aromatherapy and essential oils, the wonderful partnership between plants and humans. We started our ChemAroma educational site in 2006 to share our mutual interest with the public.”

We will be holding a free online program with Lyn Belisle and Bill Kurtin on their work with aromatherapy, as part of the library’s participation in “Get Fit Month” during April. It will be held on Wednesday, April 12th, from Noon to 1 p.m. Please e-mail me at the library if you would like the Zoom Registration Link: [email protected] .

Phyllis Clark Nichols is a Boerne author of many inspirational novels. She has been featured at several library programs through the years. She has partnered with Dr. Jan Patterson from UT Health San Antonio to write a book that takes both a spiritual and scientific look at healing.

Their new book is “Breath for the Soul: Integrative Steps to Wellness.”

Their approach with this book is to empower others to help themselves through the use of breath, movement, nutrition, and spirit, to enhance wellness and health. Both authors will be discussing and signing their new book in the library’s community room on Wednesday, April 26th, at Noon.

This program is free and open to the public. “Breath for the Soul: Integrative Steps to Wellness” will be cataloged in the library soon.




Boerne Star