Friday, March 14, 2025 at 1:06 AM

Last call for Waddle Artists!

Don’t miss the waddle May 12-13 at River Road Park

Art Waddle is Boerne’s premier Community Art Show and Sale. This is a festive outdoor event that was created in the “Flats” eleven years ago, once known as Boerne’s funkiest neighborhood. But over the last several years, Art Waddle’s growth has shifted the location of the event to the downtown historic district-- and this year appropriately located at River Road Park, on Cibolo Creek and across the street from Dodging Duck Brewery and Salvador Dobbs. The festival is named for the ducks that populate the creek. This location provides the perfect location to showcase the creative side of Boerne. This year the show and sale is organized by Events off Main and friends of the arts. Proceeds benefit the Cibolo Center for Conservation for summer art camp scholarships, and the Hill Country Council for the Arts. Boerne Art Waddle is free to the public.

We are well into our recruitment for Artists for this year’s event but continue to accept applications and images for committee consideration, to fill the spots we have open. This year’s Waddle Artists will join our featured Artist, Shea Daniel- Youngblood, exhibiting a wealth of talent in acrylic and oil, watercolor, pastel, pencil/ pen and ink, photography, fiber art, mixed media/ collage, woodwork, pottery and jewelry.

Becoming a participating artist in Boerne Art Waddle is an excellent opportunity for greater exposure, to increase your network with more experienced community and regional artists, and to be recognized. River Road Park provides us with the perfect recipe for a magical day-- add to the visual and tactile nature of the artwork, street musicians, nearby restaurants, and our Artists Reception host, Salvador Dobbs. Apply online at www.boernebierfest. org, or for information call Paula, 210-269-8349.

Like us on Facebook! Check us out at Instagram. Visit our website often:, or send email inquiry to [email protected].




Boerne Star