Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 9:22 PM



The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


Boerne Police Department

January 28

7:41 a.m., 538 MM I-10 W.- A motorcycle driver went down on the interstate, but he refused medical attention when first responders arrived. A courtesy ride was given to the motorcyclist.

10:42 a.m., 601 Adler Rd.- A 10-year-old student at Curington Elementary was knocked unconscious after being hit in the head in the school gym. He was reported conscious a couple minutes after the initial 911 call, but first responders still made their way to the campus.

12:54 p.m., 420 W. Bandera Rd.- A man was reported as suspicious after he approached a woman, called her beautiful, grabbed at her and followed her out of the store.

4:21 p.m., 37550 I-10 W.- A man was concerned two “transient men” with a shopping cart were making camp in the restrooms.

6:17 p.m., 524 Adler Rd.- Five or six teenagers were smoking weed in the public parking lot and skating behind cars trying to back out. A K9 officer was deployed and positively alerted officers.

8:26 p.m., 601 W. Bandera Rd.- A woman felt “like it is weird” that a man with a bunch of tattoos went to the Chili’s bar with two teenage boys sitting outside on their phones.

8:42 p.m., 538 MM I-10 W.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop.

Officers also conducted 21 security checks, made 20 traffic stops, assisted the public 12 times and worked four false alarms, four non-injury accidents and one reckless driver.


January 29

12:08 p.m., 100 block E. Blanco Rd.- A man tracked a truck down to the Jefferson Bank parking lot after it drove up on the sidewalk, hitting a mailbox near the courthouse.

3:02 p.m., 112 E. San Antonio Ave.- An employee at Roc-N-Ritas asked an officer to come pick up a customer ID that was left four days prior.

6:25 p.m., Main Street and Blanco Road- A K9 officer gave a positive alert to a vehicle during a traffic stop.

11:53 p.m., 1400 block S. Main St.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop.

Officers also conducted eight security checks, made 28 traffic stops, assisted the public 13 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked four false alarms, one non-injury accident, two animal calls and one reckless driver.


January 30

2:28 a.m., 518 Fabra St.- Someone was banging on a woman’s apartment door, but she couldn’t see them through the peephole. Officers didn’t find anyone when they arrived 30 minutes later.

11:35 a.m., 33000 I-10 W.- A woman reported someone had been coming into her trailer over the previous five months, taking glass, high-heeled shoes and canned goods. That day, she noticed screws were missing from her electrical box.

12:52 p.m., 121 W. Bandera Rd.- A woman claimed to have ordered drinks on the Sonic Drive-In mobile app, but she said they refused to give her the drinks or her money back. The argument began when she stuck her head inside the business, where only employees are supposed to have access.

9:21 p.m., 543 MM I-10 E.- A man was driving down the interstate on a lawn mower.

Officers also conducted 16 security checks, made 19 traffic stops, assisted the public 13 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked two false alarms, two non-injury accidents and two reckless drivers.


January 31

10:57 a.m., 31200 block I-10 W.- A man who recovered his stolen vehicle reported it was still coming up as stolen in state databases.

2:43 p.m., 3 Scenic Loop Rd.- A Quick Lane of Boerne employee reported a rack of tires and wheels was stole, estimating it was about $2,6000 worth of items.

4:14 p.m., 124 Old San Antonio Rd.- A man sought advice from officers about carrying a hatchet in his vehicle.

Officers also conducted 11 security checks, made 11 traffic stops, assisted the public nine times, removed three traffic hazards and worked five non-injury accidents and one reckless driver.



Kendall County Sheriff’s Office

January 28

4:25 a.m., 200 block Hwy 46 W.- A Toyota 4Runner flipped on the state highway, blocking eastbound traffic. 

6:05 a.m., 6 Staudt St.- A juvenile inmate was transported to a detention center in Victoria, Texas, by two deputies.

9:27 a.m., 100 block Hidden Oaks Circle- A man accused movers of stealing property from the moving truck when they were transporting his belongings from a home in Sisterdale to Fair Oaks Ranch.

10:10 a.m., 100 block Sharon Dr.- A woman reported her husband’s vehicle was broken into overnight, saying she thought she scared the burglar off at 8 a.m. that morning. Her husband had left his doors unlocked, but nothing was reported missing.

1:25 p.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- An employee at the Love’s Travel Stop reported a woman in her late 40s and teenage man forced two people to removed money from an ATM at the store, refusing to let them leave until they did so.

Deputies also conducted a security check, made 27 traffic stops, assisted the public 20 times and worked four false alarms, one animal call and one reckless driver.


January 29

10:23 a.m., 100 block Blue Ridge- One man was arrested, and three individuals were detained after a resident reported the four individuals shot a gun at him. The four individuals were stopped by Kerrville officers after fleeing the scene.

3:37 p.m., 53000 block I-10 W.- A woman found a dead dog in a bag dumped under the twin bridges while out walking her dog.

6:58 p.m., Staudt Street- A man reported someone was prostituting his 18-year-old daughter to pay for drugs.

10:27 p.m., Hwy 27 and Main Street- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop.

Deputies also made 41 traffic stops, assisted the public 10 times and worked three false alarms, two animal calls and one reckless driver.


January 30

2:23 a.m., 600 block Hwy 46 W.- A man was concerned about a large number of drones flying in the area, estimating there were about 25, but deputies found no evidence a crime took place.

11:41 a.m., 100 block Mallard- A man didn’t know if his trailer license plate was lost in transit or stolen.

1:08 p.m., 528 MM I-10 W.- A truck hauling beehives was straddling two lanes.

6:56 p.m., 8700 block Dietz-Elkhorn Rd.- Two subjects were arrested at gunpoint after they were accused of firing a weapon on a residential street in Fair Oaks Ranch.

Deputies also made 38 traffic stops, assisted the public 17 times and worked one false alarm, three non-injury accidents and one reckless driver.


January 31

2 a.m., Bandera Road and I-10- Kerr County deputies assisted local deputies in stopping a vehicle that sped through Kendall and into Kerr. Eventually, after several attempted spike deployments, the driver was arrested at 2:37 a.m.

10:42 a.m., 800 block FM 1376- A woman’s purse was stolen, but she wasn’t sure where it happened.

12:08 p.m., Comfort Place and Wall Street- A man left his phone in an H-E-B bathroom and tried to get deputies to help him track down its new owner.

1:54 p.m., 1000 block FM 473- Twelve goats convened a meeting on the road.

3:21 p.m., 100 block Waring Welfare- A cohort of cows took to the streets near Don Strange Ranch.

5:33 p.m., 30 block Bennitt Rd.- A woman fired three response shots into the ground when she heard someone shooting near her home. Deputies told her to put the gun away before they arrived.

8:50 p.m., 400 block Ammann Rd.- A man wanted deputies to remove a woman from his property who was yelling, throwing things in his kitchen and peeing in a trashcan, but he refused to give them his gate code. He said they’d arrest him if he lets them in.

Deputies also made 15 traffic stops, assisted the public nine times, removed a traffic hazard and worked two non-injury accidents, three animal calls and three reckless drivers.




Boerne Star