Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 4:45 PM

Rachelle Garcia files for Fair Oaks Ranch City Council, Place 2

FAIR OAKS RANCH – Elkhorn Ridge resident Rachelle Garcia was the first candidate to file for election in Fair Oaks Ranch on Wednesday, Feb. 8 running for Place 2 on the City Council. Place 2 is an open seat as Roy Elizondo, current council member, is retiring.

FAIR OAKS RANCH – Elkhorn Ridge resident Rachelle Garcia was the first candidate to file for election in Fair Oaks Ranch on Wednesday, Feb. 8 running for Place 2 on the City Council. Place 2 is an open seat as Roy Elizondo, current council member, is retiring.

Rachelle and her husband Matthew moved to Fair Oaks Ranch two years ago. They have two girls, ages 7 and 9, who attend Van Raub Elementary.

“ W e knew Fair Oaks Ranch was where we wanted to call home. We immediately fell in love with the beautiful landscape and sense of community. I’m running for City Council to ensure our city maintains the qualities that attracted us and many others to it,” she said.

Since moving to the city, she has become an active member of the community.

Garcia has served on the MDD (Municipal Development Board of Directors) since October 2021 and is currently appointed to the Small-Dollar Project Sub-Committee. The goal of this sub-committee is to create a path for residents who are interested in completing a project that will improve our city to apply for a grant from the MDD to financially assist.

“The MDD desires to see the funds be put back into the city in fruitful ways for our community,” Garcia said. “The projects we had in mind were Eagle Scout Projects, Girl Scout Gold Awards and more. Helping to create an opportunity to partner with the next generation to provide something of great value for the city is exciting.”

Serving is a core value for Garcia and her family.

“Getting to contribute to the city I call home is an honor,” She said. “Serving is something we get to do, not something we have to do.”

Serving and Faith go hand in hand for the Garcia family. Rachelle is an active member of BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) where she currently is a group leader for the women’s day class in Boerne on Thursdays. “Getting to dive into God’s word with other women in our community brings me so much joy. It is incredible to see God show up and show out each week.”

Before her current consulting career, Garcia served as a General Manager for a family-owned heating and air conditioning business.

“I understand the importance of working together as a team,” she said. “Meeting the needs of both the employees and customers while it can be challenging, it is very rewarding.”

Filing for municipal offices in Fair Oaks Ranch runs through Feb. 17 for the election to be held May 6.




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