Monday, March 31, 2025 at 2:34 AM

Days we need some wisdom

When we stop to think about the world we are living in today, it would seem that wisdom is in short supply. Our country appears to be in complete chaos, and the rest of the world is no better and seems to be in peril.

When we stop to think about the world we are living in today, it would seem that wisdom is in short supply. Our country appears to be in complete chaos, and the rest of the world is no better and seems to be in peril.

All of this begs the question, “Where does this leave the Christian and what are we to think?” It is a fearful world we live in if you just look at the circumstances.

It caused me to think about the word “wisdom” and how that might fit into the thinking of a mature Christian’s life in these trying times. The dictionary defines wisdom as knowledge and good judgment. I would say it is a little more than that. It’s more like the use of knowledge to form good judgment.

Preparing for a new year

Looking forward to a new year can go in several directions. The one that is most likely on the minds of Americans today is what’s going on in the country.

If you are not culturally blind or part of the problem, you can see that we are in a very bad place on many fronts. We, of course, could fill a page talking about this, but it would serve no purpose. So let’s visit something that has great purpose: the purposes of God.

Let’s begin by asking a few important questions.

First, are you a Christian? Most of my readers will say, “Of course.” The next question is a little tricky. How did you become a Christian? By praying a prayer or joining a church or some other means?

I want us to take a little deeper look at the issue of how one really becomes a child of God. It is not complicated, but is frankly not talked about very much. Let’s begin by looking at 2 Corinthians 4:6.

“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

If you find this a little puzzling it is probably because nobody used this verse when pointing you to salvation. The clear message is the way in which we come to God is by his light shining revelation on our hearts.

John 6:44 tells us that, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.”

The obvious question is how does he draw us? The answer – by the revelation of his Son as the light of the world. It is when we see the glory of the Savior’s face that we come to salvation.

In Luke 2:30-32 he quotes the prophet Isaiah, “… for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles …”

For you and me the light shone on our hearts, and the person of Christ was revealed to us. Otherwise, we participated in a religious exercise. There is no mistaking a revelation of the Savior.

You may be thinking, what does all this have to do with new year’s? Well, it has as much as you allow it to have. Will the light you have been given be kept covered up, or will it be allowed to show the glory of the Lord?

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

These are indeed perilous times. They might not seem so yet but every day moves us closer to a time when Christians will have fewer and fewer freedoms.

It is time to decide who we will follow.

It is easy to say Jesus. But when persecution comes the real test will show if we will let our light shine.

I hope you have blessed new year.




Boerne Star