Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 2:11 PM




The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


January 22

12:03 p.m., 1222 S. Main St.- A man reported a homeless man slapped a woman outside of Snowflake Donuts. Officers tracked the couple down, who said the altercation was verbal.

2:06 p.m., 1500 block S. Main St.- A man and woman pulled into the driveway to turn around, and a gate closed behind them, trapping them in. Officers retrieved the gate code and let them out.

2:54 p.m., 150 Medical Dr.- A man was upset an officer followed him to an apartment complex and questioned whether he lived there.

3:48 p.m., 539 MM I-10 E.- An 18-wheeler pulling two other semitrucks hit the bridge on the interstate at Johns Road and kept going. An officer tried to track them, driving all the way to 4 Interstate 410, but they then suspected the driver may have turned on Texas Loop 1604.

3:56 p.m., Sage Oaks Trail and Hwy 46 E.- A woman sent officers on a chase, causing them to throw spikes to stop her, after she allegedly drank rubbing alcohol.

4:50 p.m., 1406 S. Main St.- A man reported seeing a teenager get into the trunk of a vehicle because their friends had filled up the car.

9:27 p.m., 236 S. Main St.- A drunk man was yelling at people and refused to leave. He finally left a couple minutes later after a call to police was made.

Officers also conducted 17 security checks, made 34 traffic stops, assisted the public 13 times and worked one non-injury accident, one animal call and three reckless drivers.

January 23

11:14 a.m., 124 Old San Antonio Rd.- A man wanted clarification on where he could launch a rocket with his son. He was referred to the Helotes Police Department.

2:12 p.m., 100 block Johns Rd.- A man was arrested during a traffic stop.

Officers also conducted 22 security checks, made 33 traffic stops, assisted the public six times and worked two false alarms, three non-injury accidents, one animal call and two reckless drivers.

January 24

12:52 p.m., River and Herff roads- The traffic light at the busy intersection was not cycling, only allowing traffic on River Road to proceed. An officer placed the light on a four-way flash until a crew could get to the light to fix it.

2:33 p.m., 512 N. Main St.- The manager of Simply Serene Salon and Spa reported a customer refused to pay the full fee for services and began writing bad reviews online.

9:33 p.m., 6 Cascade Caverns Rd.- A man went skinny-dipping in the pool at the Fairfield Inn & Suites before going into the lobby and yelling at the employee who reported him.

Officers also conducted six security checks, made 15 traffic stops, assisted the public 19 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked five false alarms, one animal call and one reckless driver.


January 23

2:27 a.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- A woman with a small dog in a backpack was loitering around the Love’s Travel Stop in Comfort.

3:07 p.m., 1 Resort Way- A man saved a bat that was drowning where the valve on a water hole was, and he wanted animal control to pick it up.

4:37 p.m., 1600 block FM 1376- Ten goats got some looks for being outside their gate.

6:01 p.m., 400 block April- A woman snitched on a house for playing loud music. It was kid home alone who agreed to turn it down.

8:35 p.m., 600 Front St.- Deputies conducted a “knock and talk” at a home suspected of housing narcotics.

9:12 p.m., Mariposa- A man followed a married couple through a gate into their neighborhood. When the husband confronted the man, he “nervously” said he was with Amazon before he yelled “F-you and sped away.”

Deputies also made 37 traffic stops, assisted the public 11 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked one false alarm, four animal calls and four reckless drivers.

January 24

4:34 a.m., 100 block Hwy 46 W.- A deputy stopped a person out for a walk. They couldn’t sleep and went for a stroll.

12:25 p.m., 536 MM I-10 W.- A man was arrested during a traffic stop, but deputies had trouble getting his vehicle towed. 5 Star Towing asked deputies to see if KW Towing could handle it, as the 5 Star driver was in San Antonio.

1:21 p.m., North Creek Loop- Six goats greeted drivers on the county road.

2:29 p.m., 6 Staudt St.- A man paid $200 to an escort service in San Antonio, but he never met with an escort because he felt bad. Then, the company told him he needed to pay $3,000 for cancelling. Deputies told him to block the caller, advised he was a victim of a fraudulent service then reminded him that exchanging sex for money is illegal.

2:47 p.m., 1000 block Fifth St.- A 1-year-old girl accidentally knocked a 40-pound jewelry box onto herself, causing her bleed from the nose and lip. Deputies advised the person watching the child how to stop the bleeding.

4:09 p.m., 400 block S. Brackenridge- Deputies contacted the man who was living at the property behind the Kendall County jail, which the county recently purchased for expansion, that he needed to collect his belongings from the property the next day. He agreed to do so.

5:37 p.m., 200 block Sattler- A man reported two of his cows were stolen earlier that day.

Deputies also made 22 traffic stops, assisted the public 22 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked four non-injury accidents, one animal call and one reckless driver.

January 25

6:12 a.m., 100 block Blue Ridge- A man was driving around in a parking lot for several hours, which concerned a man working nearby. A deputy located him. He potentially was going through a divorce and just wanted to drive around to clear his head. The deputy made sure he wasn’t thinking of harming himself or anyone else and let him know to call them if he needed to talk.

9:26 a.m., 900 block Hwy 46 E.- A woman wanted to report her 13-yearold child was being assaulted at school.

12:08 p.m., 100 block Matador- A man reported about $2,000 to $3,000 worth of lumber was stolen Jan. 21. He didn’t want to press charges but wanted deputies to be aware.

3:13 p.m., 540 MM I-10 W.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop.

3:27 p.m., 200 block Sky View Dr.- A woman reported her ex-boyfriend, who had her name tattooed on his arms, was threatening her through social media. She alleged he was on his way to her residence. Deputies determined he didn’t meet harassment criteria, but they let Bexar County officers know where he was residing, as they had a warrant out for him.

5:41 p.m., 300 block Hwy 46 W.- A woman reported a 15-year-old girl attacked a 14-year-old girl before going inside and watching TV. Emergency services responded to check on the younger girl, who had light scratches and may have been kicked in the head.

5:51 p.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- An employee at Love’s Travel Stop reported a man was “causing a ruckus,” asking people for money and screaming when they didn’t give any.

Deputies also made 18 traffic stops, assisted the public 27 traffic stops, removed two traffic hazards, served a warrant and worked five false alarms, one non-injury accident, two animal calls and one reckless driver.




Boerne Star