As we enter December, the holidays are already in full swing, and the hustle and bustle of Boerne is full of energy. The weather for Dickens on Main, while a little soupy on Friday, did not disappoint on Saturday. Almost 33,000 people attended the 2-day Christmas kick-off. It was an honor to light the brand new 30’ Christmas tree and it was a real treat to meander main street on both days, meeting and talking with so many wonderful people.
I don’t know about you, but for me the scene in Boerne during the holidays always feels like one of those Hallmark Christmas movies that invade the TV starting in October. You know the ones I’m talking about, right? They seem to regularly start in a beautiful small town with a very quaint main street. There are Christmas lights up and down the street, because these small towns are proud of their traditions and the decorations do light up our life.
Inevitably, there are scenes on Main Street where store owners, locals, and visitors all interact with genuine smiles and happiness. As you walk past people on the sidewalk, they actually look at you and greet you with a polite, “Howdy.” Of course, as the plot continues, there will be some young couple that have a chance meeting and then all the sappy story line continues to a very predictable ending.
Boerne always feels like that cinematic city, fully complete with all the holiday adornments, wonderful people, and friendly atmosphere. In fact, my experiences in our little slice of heaven are exactly like that during the holidays and throughout the year. It’s what makes Boerne so special to me, and it’s a common feeling I’ve heard from so many that live here.
As Christmas traditions go, there’s always some Grinch that attempts to undermine the happiness of the season. It happens in almost every one of those Hallmark movies. However, in the end, the positive people prove to be a far stronger force than any of those negative nelly Grinch’s, and those Hallmark little towns seem to thrive and adapt to the changing realities that come their way.
As we wrap up 2022, I hope all of you have the holiday spirit bursting from within and that you are the positive light that everyone around you seeks. As an optimist myself, I believe Boerne is such an awesome place and I’m excited about our future.
Counting down the days remaining in December, I encourage you to enjoy our wonderful town by supporting our local establishments. We have so many great places for dining, drinking and shopping. You can’t help but feel the Christmas spirit as you, your family and friends partake in our daily Hallmark movie, right here in Boerne, TX!
From my family to yours, I wish you all a very merry Christmas filled with all the blessings you deserve. I look forward to 2023 and bringing in the new year with energy and optimism.
Fröhliche Weihnachten und Prosit Neujahr!