Baron and Shan Wiley, owners of Boerne Radio, celebrated the station’s second successful year on air with a Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting at the Patrick Heath Public Library Thursday afternoon. Photos by Zachary-Taylor Wright
12/04/2022 12:00 AM
Baron and Shan Wiley, owners of Boerne Radio, celebrated the station’s second successful year on air with a Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting at the Patrick Heath Public Library Thursday afternoon. Photos by Zachary-Taylor Wright
The Boerne library was abuzz Thursday afternoon after both library staff and Boerne Radio runners celebrated their continued work. Photos by Zachary-Taylor Wright
Jeanine Davis-Perron, drummer and founder of the band Gun Powder Soup, was all smiles as she took advantage of the food and drink offerings at the joint celebration Thursday.
The heads of Patrick Heath Public Library snip the ribbon celebrating the operational status of their historical database Thursday afternoon.
Jacques Dubose, the 11-year-old weatherman heard through the radio waves via Boerne Radio, and his father of the same name were part of the celebration Thursday afternoon, honoring the station’s secondyear run.
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